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    posted a message on how to make uncommandable medivac heal unit ?

    medivac is created at a region by trigger. and every unit is uncommandable at the region by trigger. but the medivac doesn't heal marine (but medic heals marine) how to make the medivac heals marine ?? (but if I create medivac for other player, the medivac heals unit.)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on how to make medivac follow marine ?

    how to make medivac follow marine ? and move around marine when the marine attacks enemy unit ?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on making a button to disable ping on minimap

    how to make a small button to disable that ally pings a location on minimap ?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on how to make LTS and current resource board ?

    how to make spawn timer and quick info board like those two boards on right side in desert strike ? and how to make the LTS board like desert strike ? and if I want to make spawn timer (spawn X(180) in X second), must I make 80 triggers ? (for example, when the timer is expired, new timer that is named " spawn 2 "will appear. and the timer is expired again, another new timer that is named " spawn 3 " will appear...)

    and I have no idea how to start to make the LTS that shows win/lose rates and quick info menu that shows players current resource.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Zoom Out Buttons

    there is no "Hide/Show Dialog Button". where the fuck is Hide/Show Dialog Button ???????????? and I did everything in this tutorial but I can't find even a button in game.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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