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    posted a message on Noob Problem: Button Not Doing Anything

    @iE4TM4PS: Go

    Thank you so much!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Noob Problem: Button Not Doing Anything


    Hey, noob here. I created a very basic ability called "Burst of Speed" for the ghost; all it does is give the ghost a movement speed bonus of 1.5. I added a button to the ghost's command card and filled in all the button fields that seemed pertinent to making it activate burst of speed. However, when the button is pressed, nothing occurs and the ghosts reverts to the "stop" command. So the problem is either with the button or with my creation of the ability itself. Would anyone mind taking a look at the ability and letting me know what step I am missing?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Help - Button Won't Appear
    Quote from dgilbert418: Go

    Edit post


    Hey Mapsters - Data editor noob here. I tried to create a very basic ability called "Burst of Speed." I can't really test if I've done it correctly because well, I can't even get the button (I am using the zealot legs icon) to appear on the ghost's command card. Can anyone take a look at the attached map and help me find what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for any help you guys can provide!

    This upload did not contain the relevant content, and I have since solved the problem. Thanks for your response though, Dr. Super Evil!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Standard Mineral Placement

    Thanks! I shall get to work.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Standard Mineral Placement

    I may be missing something obvious, but I've searched the forum for something about this and haven't found any information.
    My question is - how does one go about placing minerals when designing a standard melee map?
    Is there any functionality built into the terrain editor that will help me place minerals at the standard distance from the start location?
    Is the only solution to import blizzard maps, study the mineral placement using the grid, and then replicate that manually?

    Thanks for any help you guys can give me!

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Can't get Leaderboard header to appear!

    Thanks for your help, but in your revision, it does not display correctly. I got it to work by setting the number of rows to be the number of rows I needed, because when you don't use the "add player" function, it doesn't automatically add the rows. I'm a little confused as to why the header items will only appear when you *don't* use the "add player" function - or perhaps there was something more subtle that I was overlooking. In any case, the minerals icon still does not appear.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Can't get Leaderboard header to appear!

    @hunterx3: Go

    Ok it's uploaded.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Can't get Leaderboard header to appear!

    Hey this is my first post on the site!
    I'm developing a random micro style game. All the programming has been going fine...
    Except I can't get anything to show up on my leader-board header! All of the other rows are showing up just fine, all of the data is visible and correct, except for the column headers which are: (Minerals icon), "Wins" and "Bets."
    I have compared my leader-board script to others in tutorials and posts and can't figure out what I'm doing differently. Maybe someone can help.
    Here is my leaderboard create trigger:


    Events: Game - Map Initialization
    Location Variables: i = 0
    Conditions: (none)

    Leaderboard - Create a leaderboard with 5 columns and 1 rows, with the name "Leaderboard", and using (100%, 100%, 100%) color.

    Variable - Set Leaderboard = (Last Created Leaderboard)

    Leaderboard - Set the automatic player column for Leaderboard to column 1 (Do group by teams)

    General - For each integer i from 1 to Number of Players with increment 1, do (Actions)
                   Leaderboard - Add player Actual Players(i) to Leaderboard
                   Leaderboard - Set Leaderboard item text color at column 1 and row (i+1) to (Color((Current player Actual Players[i] color)))
                   Leaderboard - Set leaderboard item text at column 2 and row (i+1) to (Text((Player Actual Players[i] Minerals))
                   Leaderboard - Set Leaderboard item text at column 3 and row (i+1) to (Text(Player Victories[Actual Players[i]])
                   Leaderboard - Set Leaderboard item text at column 4 and row (i+1) to (Name of player RoundBets[Actual Players[i]])

    Leaderboard - Set Leaderboard item icon at column 2 and row Header to Assets/Textures/icon-mineral-nobg.dds placing it on the Left side of the text

    Leaderboard - Set Leaderboard item text at column 3 and row Header to "Wins"

    Leaderboard - Set Leaderboard item text at column 4 and row Header to "Bet"

    Leaderboard - Enable Show Header state for Leaderboad for (All players)

    Leaderbaord - Show all leaderboards for (All Players)

    Leaderboard - Show Leaderboard minimize button for (All Players)


    Thanks for any help anyone can give me!

    Posted in: Triggers
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