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    posted a message on Perfection of Armistice

    Thats great, glad to see you got that UI working. How did you get around the blizz only?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Perfection of Armistice

    Hi, I was just providing feedback/ideas, criticizing them is good.

    @ tech tree: Sorry, I meant your number of units, units that you have etc is good, and adding more units ect. would just get confusing.

    Yes I meant AI, my finger must have slipped.

    Do not worry about running out of buildings, you would be amazed at what a simple texture swap can do. Nydus worm would probably work best for the zerg one, and robo bay for protoss.

    Here are some things about the race specific ideas.

    I like the idea of a new equipment upgrade for terran, even if it's just a 5% damage boost (easy enough through behavs).

    The only way I can think to balance the zerg one is to make it cap fairly soon after you start gathering the killed units DNA, so you don't get an enormous boost to damage. Additionaly, maybe make it so it takes time while the units are in the chamber to upgrade them, this would give the opponents an chance to counter attack, and it ties up the army in question for a while. Another possibility might be to make it only effect biological units, but this would really only be effective against zerg and terran bio balls.

    For the protoss idea it would be a good idea to make it so they have to take half of their HP in damage. Or do it in 20% increments (20% damage is one stack, 40% is 2 stacks, etc.)

    anyway, I'll keep thinking of secrets for the map, and PM them to you (Or ill just post in the thread for all to see :P)


    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on How can I make an animation play if another animation ISNT playing.

    @Sneakervek: Go

    wouldn't that just be changing the unit idle?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Perfection of Armistice

    This map was a lot of fun, some suggestions:

    Increase the starting minerals to 450, this lets you create a worker as soon as your main building finishes (like in normal melee).

    Keep the tech tree where it is. This will help keep things fresh with the few new units while letting melee players feel at home.

    (Not sure if implemented) make the UI stronger from the start, and increase their power as the game goes on.

    Add a new way of advancing your units power for each race- (this is an idea I've had for a while, and will work great with your current system of new techs by killing units.)

    Terran - Merc revolution: t3 tech. Revolt from the dominion and become mercanaries, all units turn into their merc counterparts and those who don't have one will get a damage and health boost.

    Zerg- Evolutionary Adaption: all game. When ever zerg kill a number of a particular unit (marines for instance) all units are able to gain a small boost to fighting that unit. Only one gene for unit fighting can be on a particular unit at any time. This Gene would be applied in a building. All the units you want to gain the gene are put into this building, and after the button is clicked to pick what unit you want to combat, all units exit the building ready to do extra damage to that unit. Genes can be swapped at any time.

    Protoss- Veratan's Scars: all game. Whenever a protoss unit takes health damage (not shield), and he live to tell the tale, he gains one level of armor boost to both shields and life. This stacks up to 10 times to the point where you have a hero unit. This cannot be applied by friendly units A-moving another friendly unit. Also add a training facility where 2 ground units at a time can gain up to 1 stack of veterans scars after training for a certain amount of time.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Nexus HINDRANCE Wars coming this WEDNESDAY!

    Wait, but thats....

    nvm I get it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Perfection of Armistice

    This looks amazing, I've been looking to do a similar project (but with more focus on finding secrets, than on melee style combat). I'm going to try this as soon as i can, if you want, I'll play a game or 8 with you later, just PM me a time and I'll see if I can be on.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Creating unit?

    Thank you very much sir!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating unit?

    Thank you, I'll go try that.

    P.S. very clever poem in your sig.

    Edit: I'm going to sound like a moron, but how do I fire a dummy ability when a behavior ticks? Also will this work if varying number of these spawners can be created?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating unit?

    When I have a trigger that fires when a unit is created, how do I reference the unit that the behavior that created the unit is on? For example, spawner has the Behavior "spawn zerglings" and it spawns a zergling, so my trigger fires. How do I reference my spawner?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Deck Wars

    This looks great, I'm logging on right now to try to find a game!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Recruiting to help build a DOTA + Tug of War Map

    I would be willing to help test, (I'm on the US server.) I would help with the DOTA portion of the map, but I'm currently working on my own project ATM. After that hits a playable state, and adding extra content is all thats left, I would be willing to help with the DOTA portion of the map.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Infested Nyan Cat!!!!

    @hawkerhurricane: Go


    @hawkerhurricane: Go

    Also, sig'ed

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Map freezes only on Bnet, not during local tests?

    never really heard of too much like this, It couldn't be a memory leak, could it? I'm on US so I cant help you test it. I'll think about this for a bit.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on US Publisher for our Tower Wars Map

    I would be willing to publish for you.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Map freezes only on Bnet, not during local tests?

    Could you give a basic understanding of what the map is? (is it the one in your sig?) anyway, could you walk us through what is happening when you lag? what your triggers are doing, what data is being accessed, etc.

    Not sure about the custom sounds.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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