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    posted a message on Shooting while Moving

    Thank you so much!!!! ill try it soon and let u know if it works

    EDIT: OMFG! TYVM! it works perfectly!!!!! :D :D :D

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    posted a message on Shooting while Moving

    Thanks for fast responses!!!!

    ty, looking forward to more infos, Data editor would be the ideal solution
    Does the wasd movement really affect the way of getting a unit to shoot and move at the same time?
    I dont think there is a problem with the dummy, but ill test the 'standard flags' (weapon on 'moving' and target thingy) again in a new map with a clean data editor

    Another idea i had: is it possible to create an ability that makes the unit shoot once and that can be casted while moving? Cuz then u could just use that instead of ordering the marine to attack..

    EDIT: Ok so i tested the standard flags mentioned above, and they do work, but only if the target unit moves, so that the marine kinda slides behind his target and keeps shooting. But if i want to move the marine, it stops shooting, probably cuz u replace the order 'Attack' with 'Move'. Is there a way of making the unit separate the two orders like: 'You attack when I tell u to attack, no matter what else ur doing!' so that he can do both? Or is the only solution to order him to move and just animate the attacking?

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    posted a message on Shooting while Moving

    Hi Sc2mapster community, i am currently working on a first person shooter, and i just cant get my marine to shoot while moving. I use the WASD engine and Traceline engine from rrowland and use Dummies for my combat system; id like to get my marine to continue shooting when i move it via WASD. I tried setting weapon to moving and unchecking the 2 boxes with the firing at attack thingy, but nothing helped. If its not possible at all, i could also use an animation-based combat system, although id prefer using my 'attack dummy' system. Either way, i need help from some1!!! TYVM!!!

    Posted in: Data
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