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    posted a message on Two simultaneous attacks, one animation is delayed

    I have made a custom Goliath that shoots hellfire missiles at both ground and air targets and uses the Flaming Betty's attack for his ground-only attack. When I fire on a ground target, it takes damage from both attacks, but the flame attack animation starts a bit late. It usually takes three missile shots before the flame attack kicks in. Strangely enough, if I stop attacking after the flame animation starts, and wait for a second or two, the flame animation will work properly once I start attacking again. If I wait for an extended period, say ten seconds, the delay starts again.

    I have the cooldown links removed for each weapon, and both the damage point as well as the backswing are set to 0. What else should I be looking at? The delay field does not seem to do anything for this problem.

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    posted a message on Exporting, importing, and editing unit skins

    How are team colors handled in these textures? Are they automatically applied in the same spots no matter what the skin is, or is there a layer, etc. that I should be working with that designates it? Can I designate where the team colors go directly through Photoshop?

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    posted a message on Why are rocks and other doodads walkable by default?

    Thank you for the reply.

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    posted a message on Switching unit sounds

    If you want to switch one unit's complete sound set to another unit's, there is an easier way of doing it than switching each individual sound.

    1. Find the unit whose sounds you want for your unit in the data editor.

    2. Click on his main actor model, listed under actors. This main actor should have the unit's icon next to it.

    3. Click on show table view. It is one of the brownish icons in the upper-middle part of the data editor.

    4. In the search box, type in: sound

    5. There are four fields that you should be looking at: death effects - sound, events - send, group sounds, and sounds. Right-click on one field in the right column and select copy.

    6. Find the unit whose sounds you want to replace.

    7. Paste this info into the same exact field that you copied. You should still have sound typed into the search box to narrow down on the correct fields.

    8. Repeat these steps for each field.

    But if you want to replace only the voices, or the ambient sounds (such as the Goliath's), or perhaps only one sound, you need to do it individually.

    As for the portrait, click on the main actor once again, and type in "portrait" in the search box. Have it on table view. You should see the model (portrait) field. Modify it to the unit you want.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Modifying a model's color within the editor?

    Is it possible to modify or tint the color of a model through the data editor, or somewhere within Galaxy Editor? I have a custom ability that uses the Guardian Shield as the effect model and the only reference that I see to its color is under the "lighting" field. This field does not seem to have any effect on the look of the model, however.

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    posted a message on Why are rocks and other doodads walkable by default?

    When I select the "no pathing" tool, the only thing that it does is remove the already-painted green or red squares (the ones painted with the "add pathing" tool). Is this normal? It doesn't add any kind of red or green areas, just removes them.

    Also, when I use "ground pathing," type "no pathing," I paint the red squares that prevent my units from walking across them. The "ground pathing," type "ground" paints the green squares that allow my units to walk across them. Is it really just buildable areas?

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    posted a message on Why are rocks and other doodads walkable by default?

    That was very helpful. I can't believe that I missed the pathing editor. I take it as ground = pathing, while no pathing = exactly that.

    Why are all of the ramps in red when they are completely walkable?

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    posted a message on Why are rocks and other doodads walkable by default?

    They don't have footprints by default?

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    posted a message on Why are rocks and other doodads walkable by default?

    I've noticed that quite a bit of doodads, including rocks, are walkable by units for whatever reason. Although I have "don't use doodad footprint" unchecked, the giant rock types leave some room for my units' models to cut into them. I wouldn't want to use pathing blockers for every one of these doodads. Is there another way around it?

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    posted a message on Exporting, importing, and editing unit skins

    Thanks for the info. That video is hard to see, though. I'd like to learn to do it through the data editor so I will continue to look into it.

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    posted a message on Exporting, importing, and editing unit skins

    I am trying to find a reference to the unit skin for the Goliath in the data editor. I want to export it, edit it, and import it as a custom skin that a custom Goliath will use. Can I do this through the editor, or do I need third-party programs to extract and import them (like in WC3)?

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    posted a message on Creating a weapon-switch ability without triggers

    kottonmouthx8 - I did just that, and it works. Thanks!

    I replaced the Immortal's launch effect with a modified Archon's impact model and it looks great. I'm starting to understand this editor.

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    posted a message on Creating a weapon-switch ability without triggers

    DrSuperEvil - I used the Effect - Instant method and it works perfectly. How would I apply a cooldown for these three weapons? The cooldown field does not seem to effect it. At this time, there is no cooldown on these three weapon-switching abilities.

    On another note, I am using the Immortal's Phase Disrupters attack as a base for one of the weapons. I cannot get the small blue energy animation that comes out of the Immortal's cannons upon firing, though the impact model and sounds are working fine. Is there a way to apply this model to my unit, or is it simply a part of the Immortal's model?

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    posted a message on Creating a weapon-switch ability without triggers

    I reviewed your example map but thought that the "off" button/behavior did not apply for my ability. I will implement it and take another look. Thanks!

    EDIT: Also, what are those cost - charge - link, cost - cooldown - link, damage response - link, etc. fields? I don't have anything there. What kind of behavior should I apply there? I see that you have something there for your map (DefenseModeOn), but none of my behaviors come up on those fields' lists.

    EDIT 2: I added another button to the ability's "commands - default button" field (one for "turn off," one for "turn on"), but the problem seems to persist. I'm not really understanding the function of the on/off behaviors. I'm also planning on having three weapons/abilities, but for now, I'd like to see how to pull two of them off.

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    posted a message on Creating a weapon-switch ability without triggers

    I took out my hero unit's default weapon. I created two behavior-based abilities: one for the default weapon, another for the second weapon, and flagged them as "toggle." I then created one buff behavior for each ability that modified the unit's weapon and disabled the other weapon and behavior.

    To summarize:

    Default Weapon Ability w/ toggle flag (behavior-based)
    ---Buff behavior giving default weapon to unit, disabling weapon 2 and behavior 2
    ---Button 1 for ability

    Weapon 2 ability w/ toggle flag (behavior-based)
    ---Buff behavior giving weapon 2 to unit, disabling weapon 1 and behavior 1
    ---Button 2 for ability

    Should I have any other behaviors? Anything else flagged?

    Posted in: Data
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