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    posted a message on [Solved] Creating a pulsing omni light

    I have an idea about how to do this, but I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas to throw around. Is there a way to do this through the data editor? I want to either make an omni light become brighter and dimmer continuously over a few seconds, or to make the light get bigger and smaller continuously over a few seconds. I only have ideas through triggers, though.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hiding/shrouding terrain

    Thanks for the help. The "reduced radius" black mask seems to do mostly everything that I need. I just wish that there was a brush to "black out" areas of the map.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Hiding/shrouding terrain

    The pathing/sight blockers only provide a fog of war-type of shroud, not the black shroud that is featured in many of the WoL campaign missions. You can still see the terrain in front of you, just not the buildings or units that are on it. I'm looking to hide the terrain completely from view like the black shroud.

    EDIT: This black shroud is referred to as the "black mask" in the editor, as opposed to the "grey mask" that you get in a ladder game in SC2.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Hiding/shrouding terrain

    I have a section in my map in which, if a unit stands on a cliff, can see an island in the distance within the normal game camera. I do not wish to move this island or the cliff and I'm wondering if there is a way to hide or shroud that part of the island so that it is not visible. Are there doodads that can do this? A certain type of terrain mask? Or am I stuck with reducing the unit's line of sight range within the data editor?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on The Planetary Workshop: Melee Map-Making Team

    Is there a way to download them and open them up in the editor? I have downloaded them through a custom game, but I'm not sure where they end up being saved. I'd like to take a good look at them and can't really do that in-game.

    Great looking maps.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Low mineral models not showing up in editor

    Whenever I place a mineral patch and edit its resources, the mineral's model changes to a smaller one, designating the approximate yield of the patch. But when I exit out of my map and re-enter it, the low-mineral patches revert back to their high-mineral models, though the resources remain as I left them. Although this is only a minor annoyance, I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this issue and whether or not someone found a fix for it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Graviton Beam cast delay

    I have a trigger that orders a computer enemy's Phoenix to cast Graviton Beam on a particular unit once that unit enters a region. I see the Phoenix fly over to the triggering unit, but it only casts the ability several seconds later. The Phoenix starts out with 200 energy, so it is not waiting to accumulate energy. Is this a bug with the ability or is there something else that I should do? I have a screenshot of the trigger below:


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Two simultaneous attacks, one animation is delayed

    Does anyone know of a fix for the flame animation glitch? Or maybe someone can explain how the aforementioned poster was able to fix the animation, as stated in post #4.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Two simultaneous attacks, one animation is delayed

    I'm bumping this thread for some help.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Two simultaneous attacks, one animation is delayed

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Two simultaneous attacks, one animation is delayed

    I'm not working with the hellion's attack beam, but the perdition turret's. (Two very different models.)

    I am seeing the offset value give me three sets of XYZ numbers. The poster, Salmon85, said that he changed the effectexecuteindex value of the attack beam to 1. Am I changing the XYZ values to 1? Because that doesn't seem to fix the flame animation.

    Let me be a bit more specific: I don't know where to find the "index value of the Create Persistent periodic effect." What field am I changing? I don't see any kind of effectexecuteindex associated with the weapon's attack beam actor or model. What field in which object am I looking for?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Two simultaneous attacks, one animation is delayed

    Is it a field within the Create Persistent effect? The field for Period Effects points to a Search Area effect, not a numerical value. Or is it the Periodic Offset field that I'm editing?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Two simultaneous attacks, one animation is delayed

    I came across this forum post in which one of the users explains how he arrived at the solution to the delayed/inconsistent flame attack. Here is what he says:

    I've had some fun making my own version of the perdition turret for a turret defence game and ran into a few issues with the above and a few extras where the flame just randomly decides to stop functioning (but it kept doing damage) which I solved by editing the effectexecuteindex of the attackbeam to 1 in the events

    The problem is that I don't really know what he is referencing. I'm assuming that the effectexecuteindex is somewhere within some actor's events list, but I don't see it anywhere among the Perdition Turret's actors. Does anyone know how he did this? I'd PM him but he doesn't seem to be active anymore.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Two simultaneous attacks, one animation is delayed

    Now that I think of it, I did notice that the Flaming Betty did have this behavior. I'm wondering if there are any other flame animations that don't have this problem. I think that Hellions are OK, but its flame is not quite right for what I'm doing.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Exporting, importing, and editing unit skins

    If I edit a Marine's texture, for example, the team colors will always stay the same regardless of the edits that I do, then? Since team colors are handled by the models, I'm assuming that I'd have to edit the model if I wish to change where the team colors go? Not that I want to do this, I'm just trying to make sure that I'm safe from editing out the team colors when I edit a unit's skin.

    Posted in: Data
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