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    posted a message on reaper jump cooldown.

    i add a cooldown to the reaper's jump ability, let's say it's ten seconds.
    so now while the reaper is waiting for the ability to cool down, his pathing gets all screwed up; basically he just sort of slides along the walls and doesn't go around obstacles, he just waits at the foot of the cliff for the ability to be cooled off.
    how can i fix this?

    btw i added this cooldown in the behaviour section of the data, is this what is affecting it? and can i change it somewhere else?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on unit placement at start of round

    @RageQit: Go

    it helped very much =)
    problem solved thanks =)

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on unit placement at start of round

    how would i go about placing a unit only if someone is actually there to control it?
    like if there are five players, there would only be five units on the field, one for each player.
    how would i go about doing that through the use of triggers and such?
    or is it something else that i use?

    Posted in: Triggers
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