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    posted a message on how do i disable mineral distance

    thank you very much for those idiot proof instructions, you are my hero of the day !!

    so i did exactly that and nothing else and the main does now spawn adjacent to the money, unfortunately the building is no longer solid, but the units can pass right through it as if it wasnt there (when they mine they will deliver the minerals to the center of the nexus)

    i tried to modify just one of the footprints respectively

    -modifying just the contour footprint will create the exact same result as described above

    -modifying just the dropoff footprint will make the building remain solid, but it will still spawn at a distance from the resources, although closer than normal, and always diagonal from them

    any idea on how to fix that?

    i do have to say i miss scmdraft where things were nice and simple and named more common sense-ish, footprints movement pathing contour its giving me a headache, i am a big fan of trial and error but this just feels unfair :/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on how do i disable mineral distance

    hi there

    i want to create a fastest possible map, but i cannot figure out how to disable the required distance between resources and start location (i want the minerals and gas to spawn right next to the main)

    i am sure this question has been asked before, unfortunately i havent been able to find the answer, i have tried for quite a while now, and am starting to get seriously frustrated.

    so if somebody could explain to me step by step, which category in the data editor, which tab, which parameter i need to modify it would be greatly appreciated!

    in case you are interested, the idea is to create a sc2 version of a map i used to play with a lot of enthusiasm with friends in sc1 ... http://www.freewebs.com/norush20/

    i know sc2 does not need another standard fpm ;)

    thanks in advance

    Posted in: Data
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