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    posted a message on Re-blackmasking an explored area: impossible?

    @Mozared: Go

    I spent a couple minutes running around my test map with a zergling, watching the map refuse to stay visible after I lost line-of-sight. Imagining possibilities for custom maps.

    Could be a nice effect for survival-horror games - have to actually remember your way around so you don't get chased into a dead end.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Re-blackmasking an explored area: impossible?

    @Bilxor: Go

    There's a trigger to Explore/Unexplore Area. Magically reapplies the black mask to whatever region you tell it to.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #114: Terran Settlement

    Another quick simple one for me this week (I've been busy plotting a future project).

    Terrans doing what Terrans do best. On the moon.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on urban/base terrain. need suggestions.

    @njordys: Go

    That's looking pretty good already. The only things I can think of would be to break up the empty grass and roads a bit.

    Some sort of bushes or foliage in the grass (hedge rows in front of the fence perhaps?). If you have a free texture slot, gently blend in some darker/lighter grass to give it more variety (same goes for the concrete/asphalt - you can mix those together to make darker patches down the traffic lanes). Maybe some foliage in the park.

    For the roads, maybe some street lights along the side. A bus station/subway station or something across the street. Either cars parked along the side or moving AI traffic.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on (Question) Making a Xel'Naga space station.

    I spent a few minutes typing up a long version of "I've never really thought about it before, will have to do some thinking in the editor", but Mozared beat me to the punch with something actually useful, so I'll just leave it that for the moment.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #114: Terran Settlement

    @DeltaCadimus: Go

    I'll add to Nebuli2's suggestion:

    For loose terrain substances (sand, snow, etc), it can look really nice if you pick a dominant wind direction and build up small drifts on the appropriate sides of buildings and cliffs. (Or, if you're after a REALLY windy environment, leave it clean everywhere except the wind shadows of objects.)

    @Debe2233: Go

    Looking pretty good, but it feels a bit sparse. Could use some plants/grass, and maybe some height work in the natural grassy areas.

    @Tyneara: Go

    Same thing as above - feels a bit barren. Some hills/rocks/vegetation outside of the base would help a lot. Perhaps some decals inside the base to break up the empty concrete.

    For spicing up the walls: Maybe a few rooftop doodads (Rooftop Entrance, Rooftop AC, etc) or a few panels of Installation Roof lowered until they're just barely sticking above the ground. Possibly some small pipes running along the walltops to different places. For a more militarized feel, barbed wire around the perimeter (sink some Security Fence doodads into the outer edge of the wall).

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on HOTS terrain showcase

    @Ababmer: Go

    High cliffs are easy enough to fake with the new HotS cliff doodads - case in point: the northern border of my new map. As long as you don't want anyone walking around up top at the same time.

    Hell, if you don't mind manually creating every cliff face with doodads you can actually make walkable high cliffs with some data editing.

    @Mozared: Go

    I'd probably be interested in doing a bit of work towards a collaborative campaign project, assuming I don't get myself involved in a personal project that actually sticks around for a while.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on HOTS terrain showcase

    @EivindL: Go

    I've started work on a couple campaigns. But, like every other project I start, they last about a week before I lose interest and start a new one. (Hell, I have some vague plans forming right now to start another after HotS launches.)

    One of the biggest issues for me is coming up with a story that's interesting enough to keep me going. I can crank out terrains all day, but trying to tie them together into something larger has thus far eluded me.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on HOTS terrain showcase

    @SheogorathSC: Go

    It was similar in the WoL beta. You only have a small subset of the total assets available.

    And the Iceworld Snow/Blizzard doodads do work, they just don't have helper models. In editor view they look like the "No Model" sphere, but press V and your snow will magically appear.

    Also: A few early work-in-progress shots of my first ever (non-competitive) SC2 melee map, based on my earlier jungle scene. 4v4 with one giant run-together base on each end of the map.

    Edit: A few more screenshots now that it's pretty much done.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on HOTS terrain showcase

    @SGTMeowmers9: Go

    Possibly... ;)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on HOTS terrain showcase

    @Siretu: Go

    Just takes time and practice. :)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on HOTS terrain showcase

    Thread's a bit old, but seems to still be relevant.

    Just got myself into the beta today and had a few hours to poke around the available assets. Figured I'd show off my initial test maps.

    I'm not completely happy with any of the out-of-the-box tileset packages, but once you start to mix and match individual textures they can do some incredible things. Can't wait to get my hands on the full list of assets.

    EDIT: And one more. Not exactly playable, but it looks nice.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on What makes a unit(and model) look like its going up slopes?

    Tipability under the model properties is what makes units follow the curve of the ground.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Terraining Exercises: Global Information/Idea Thread
    Quote from HydraMannequin: Go

    Oh! What about this: Create a map using only HotS assets, units, and tilesets.

    I imagine this will probably be the first one after HotS launches. But for now a lot of us are still stuck with only WoL.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Need some critique!

    @HydraMannequin: Go

    Needs some hills/mountains in the jungle bits. Particularly along the flanks of the river in the first screen.

    And the visitor areas are really empty. They need something to fill the open space. Benches, trash cans, kiosks. Anything, really.

    I love the waterfalls though. Those are awesome.

    Edit: Also, the bottom of the river could use a rocky/boulder-style texture down the center. Dirt doesn't like to hang around in flowing water.

    Posted in: Terrain
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