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    posted a message on Need something created for you?


    Thanks for your help earlier.

    I have a task for you if you are willing to accept!

    I need the 2 ultra's on the side of the map to leash once they leave the regions i have setup ultra leash 1/2. Also when they die I would like them to respawn after 45 seconds which I current am doing in a really ghetto way.

    I copied the Ultralisk unit and named one Ultra and One Lisk. That way i can get it to respawn using a simple trigger say unit dies = ultra respawn after 45 seconds and vice versa for the lisk unit. I'm guessing there is a way to do this by attaching a unit to a region but after looking for some time I can't get it to work.

    I'll pm you the new version of the map.

    Thanks again,


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    posted a message on Need something created for you?

    @deathtorn: Go

    Thanks, I set that up really early and forgot about that. At the time I thought it may make the creep roam in a 1x1 pattern.

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    posted a message on Need something created for you?


    You are my only hope it seems.

    I have Ultralisks on my map set up to be hostile(player15). I've spent a few hours messing with triggers trying to get them to attack once attacked by a player. I also need them to leash if they are pulled too far.

    I can only get them to attack if by attacking with a small unit(zergling) directly in front of them.

    It's really ugly at this point as this is my first map. Going to be a King of the Hill Where you can level up off of player deaths/neutral creep kills.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    I've hosted the map here. http://www.filedropper.com/ohsheeet


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    posted a message on Need help creating Hostile Creep


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    posted a message on Need help creating Hostile Creep

    Guys I'm making a King of the Hill map, on the sides there are to ultralisks that upon death provide resources to allow players to use abillities such as blink, stim packs, etc.

    The problem is these hostile units won't path or anything and will only attack if you are DIRECTLY in front of them.

    Any ideas?

    Posted in: Triggers
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