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    posted a message on The Last Stand - Map release
    Quote from Eldrythan: Go

    @lenny7: Go

    What are you talking about? The points system is explained in the help section under Experience/Points.

    The help screen mentions points but it doesn't give any explanations to what all the multipliers are - thats what I'm after.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on The Last Stand - Map release

    @Bitmap1337: Go

    love this map - really fun & easy to see why its so popular.

    comments + suggestions -

    Please add an explanation for the points system on the help screen! No one I've asked knows what it all means so I guess I'm not alone in finding it confusing.

    Are the marine & HT ulti's supposed to do friendly fire damage ? I really loved the marine but stopped playing it in the end because I never got to use the nuke as massive delay + ff made it pretty useless (& ultis are pretty key in the later rounds)

    My suggestion for adding replayability would be to remove the level cap (or just make it higher, whatever) & give small stat increases for each level. 1% damage/armor/attack speed/movement for each level or 5% dam for one level - 5% armor for the next. Something like that would give motivation to keep playing & also give you the chance to make an uber character if you played long enough (which I know some people will like)

    This would also tie in with adding harder levels which I hope you will do.

    Also agree with some meethod of skipping the early levels

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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