I managed to somehow glitch the game... I accidentally built a tower which blocked the path for the zerglings to make it to node 2, the game didn't stop me from doing it. Once they passed through node 1 and made their way into where they would normally go to make it to node 2, they got to where the entrance used to be, and then started destroying all of my towers.... I lost the game due to a waste in minerals of the towers and upgrades for those towers hahaha I thought it was pretty funny. Although i did get a kill advantage for that round because the zerglings sat and attacked the towers giving me plenty of time to keep firing :P
I managed to somehow glitch the game... I accidentally built a tower which blocked the path for the zerglings to make it to node 2, the game didn't stop me from doing it. Once they passed through node 1 and made their way into where they would normally go to make it to node 2, they got to where the entrance used to be, and then started destroying all of my towers.... I lost the game due to a waste in minerals of the towers and upgrades for those towers hahaha I thought it was pretty funny. Although i did get a kill advantage for that round because the zerglings sat and attacked the towers giving me plenty of time to keep firing :P