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    posted a message on Simulate electric fields--affect movement speed

    Alright, thanks. I'm looking into doing this as a project for my physics class and I think it would be a lot more interesting if it could be a fairly legitimate game so probably the trigger way you were describing wouldn't be the way to go. How do the force effects determine how much acceleration they cause on the units?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Simulate electric fields--affect movement speed

    There's no way to use a trigger(function) to compute the distance between them and calculate the needed strength then call an effect where its strength is the result of that function?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Simulate electric fields--affect movement speed

    Ok, I was just looking into modeling it off of the mothership vortex but I don't understand where the targets of the vortex are defined (to what distance away from the mothership-vortex units are affected and what types of units) and how it determines how much force they receive (and therefore affects their movement).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Simulate electric fields--affect movement speed

    Here's my thought. Let's say pylons are positively charged and a marine is also positively charged. I want the marine to move as if he is being pushed with a force equal to 1/(hisposition-pylonposition)^2 (repelled by the pylon). So, slower when he walks toward the pylon, faster when he walks away from the pylon. How would one go about doing this? Would you have to constantly change the marine speed after every request for him to move(and during his movement) or can you change his position explicitly given the force he's permitted to exert and the forces he experiences from pylons.

    Posted in: Data
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