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    posted a message on Evasion Actor Notice

    So I've been working on an evasion buff, which allows the unit with such a buff to dodge an attack. The problem with the evasion buff though was that you could not tell when it was activated or not visually. As a solution, I created an apply and remove effect for the behavior to solve that. The problem now is having a passive effect that is on all the time and checks each time the unit is attacked and if it dodges the attack or not. How do I make an effect that applies the apply behavior effect and is on all the time and checking if the unit dodges the attack or not?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Projectile Launch

    I duplicated the primal hydralisk, its actor, its attack actor, and the missile actor. The problem is the projectile fires from the base of the hydralisk and stays on the ground. I did duplicate the weapon, as well as the attack effect and launch missile effect. I did not duplicate the projectile unit though and I am using it as the projectile being fired from my duplicated hydralisk. Do I need to duplicate the projectile unit as well, or can I fix this issue through the actors or effects?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Help Request) Fortress Survival

    Hey Everyone, Currently I am the lead Starcraft 2 Fortress Survival Dev, and was wondering if 1-2 people wanted to join me and help make this mod. The entire project is being overseen by Nevo (Lead Warcraft 3 Dev of Fortress Survival) and is going to be the official map of Fortress Survival in the arcade. If you wish to join, here are some of the areas you need expertise in: -Units -Effects -Actors -Behaviors -Weapons -Upgrades -Items -Abilities -Requirements

    Please PM me if you want to join, but joining will be based on a first-come, first-serve basis along with how well you can work in the editor.

    Edit: Here is the original post on the FS site: http://fortress-survival.com/topic/181806-starcraft-2-fortress-survival-defense/

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Capture Building

    I've been trying to make a structure similar to that of the Xel'Naga tower, which is when you move a unit next to it, it becomes yours. I've looked through the forums trying to find an anwser to my question, but the solution is often unclear or more complicated than simply making a trigger for it. I've put the Tower Capture ability on it (the same one the Xel'Naga tower has), but it didn't appear to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Hero won't gain XP.

    You may want to check out the triggers and disable the melee initialization ones. The XP % gained from Kills may also need to be turned to 1 if it is at 0 (in the veterancy behavior).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Grouping with a region [Solved]

    I found out that by using the "Add Unit Group To Unit Group" action, you can change the Source Unit Group to "Units in Region Matching Condition." This allows for the units in a region to be grouped immediately without having to attach them to a region. Thank you for your suggestions.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Supply Bonus Ability

    I've been working on trying to increase the supply of a player by using an ability without creating a supply depot. I want to do this in the database editor for convenience and not having to make a trigger every time I use the ability. The ability is that you pay a certain amount of minerals (X) when you use this ability and it is instant. The ability would add 8 supply cap to the player who used it, while no supply depots were made. Any solutions to this problem would be great.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Grouping with a region [Solved]

    @xxxDisturbedxxx: Go

    I attempted to do this, but the problem is the unit aren't attached to the region. The action itself is very confusing, and a more in-depth tutorial would be great.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Grouping with a region [Solved]

    Hey. I know this is a noobish question, but I can't quite figure this out. I have X number of units in region A, and I want to attach these units to this region A. Subsequently, I want to use this region group and attach it to a unit group. I want to do this in two triggers, and not have to attach each unit one-by-one. If anyone could provide a solution, then that would be great.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Leveling up Button Changes (Solved)

    Alright. I figured it out with your help, spoolofwhool. What you need to do is create a text tag and a tooltip on the command card of an ability. This does not apply to the first button if it has a tooltip, but it does for the second and ladder levels. Thank you for your help.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Leveling up Button Changes (Solved)

    I mean that the button shows up with "[Level 2] [R]" and not the tooltip i typed in.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Leveling up Button Changes (Solved)

    @Spoolofwhool: Go

    Alright. I did that, but do i need 3 buttons? Levels 2 and 3 show up with the title and nothing else. If so should i put the buttons on the unit or the ability?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Leveling up Button Changes (Solved)

    Hi, I'm currently creating a custom campaign of my own and I'm wondering how do I make a button change its damage shown when a hero levels that skill. For example, I have created a snipe ability where the damage increases each time you spend an ability point, but the damage change doesn't show up on the button you see in-game. There are 3 effects for the ability, the first being Snipe Level 1, Snipe Level 2, and Snipe Level 3. I want the button to show the current value of damage done at the current level you have. I know how to use the d ref damage on the button, but I'm not sure how to change the effect shown. Is there some way I can only use one button to show all 3 levels, or do i need to create a button for each level (and if so how do I link it to each effect)?

    Posted in: Data
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