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    posted a message on Bayonet-Stab animation for War Pig

    Hi, I searched the interwebz and Sc2Mapster but I really couldn't seem to find any sort of melee animation for War Pigs. I've seen alot of people suggesting it to be done but as stated I haven't seen it actually happen. I would do this myself if I knew how to :P but I turn to you more experienced modelers. I have no real demands on how it must look like, just want it to be like a natural stab with the gun's end, no blood particles or anything. I realize that this might be hard to make but if anyone feels they have the time and want to do it and post it here, I'll be very grateful. Thanks in advance

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Martinolssons TPS engine machinegun type of shooting
    Quote from Sanktoras: Go

    Hi DeepCover187,

    I think the issue is that for periodic events there is no triggering player (obviously ;) ). The function "Triggering Player" will then return something like 0 (or, even worse, something negative). So your local variable "Player" won't have a valid value and "Traceline(Player)" doesn't work. To fix this, just set "Player" to 1 or use a loop.

    By the way, I am currently working on the TPS and RPG engine Orion, which is a Mod and provides you with many useful functions and mechanics. As the mod is still in progress, I have not yet created an English presentation (just a German one), but if you are interested in this, just take a look at the map "Orion Sample" or write me a PM.

    Hope I could help, Sanktoras

    Omg man it worked perfectly! And such a little change I had to do aswell! A hundred thanks man, such a relief to be without that problem. I'll be sure to check out your map! Cheers

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Models reacting to attacks


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Martinolssons TPS engine machinegun type of shooting

    These are the two, atm it's working since the type of shooting isn't automatic (I want it to be automatic), whenever I change the event to a Periodic Timer and check for LMB pressed down everything stops working.

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    posted a message on Martinolssons TPS engine machinegun type of shooting


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    posted a message on Vehicle Fuel Travel System
    Quote from Bilxor: Go

    @DeepCover187: Go

    It's one of the data objects under "actor" I believe... I think it's called fidget. You can control how often and what percent of the time a unit will turn or play an animation when idle. You can also make a unit move based on idleness, which is how the critters move around the map. Just set all of these to zero.

    Yepp that seemed to work, the fidget thing wasn't under actors though ;P Thanks a ton for the help dude, and thanks to everyone else who tried to help :) Think it's safe to say that this whole thread is solved.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Vehicle Fuel Travel System
    Quote from Bilxor: Go

    @DeepCover187: Go

    Why don't you just disable stand animations altogether? If your unit is using fuel, and figet animations don't use fuel anyway, why even have them?

    Well it would be nice to have them there when the vehicle has cargo and stands still, sorry but how do I remove specific animations? The data editor confuses me so much in Sc2, used to having the object editor in WC3. Or is it something I would have to do in a modelling/animation program?

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    posted a message on Vehicle Fuel Travel System
    Quote from ShadowDancer93: Go

    Set unit movement speed to 0.

    Will that really stop him from playing stand animations? And it's not doable with triggers is it?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Vehicle Fuel Travel System

    Managed to fix it using triggers :D Is there any way to make the unit "Freeze" with triggers? Since now, even if the unit can't move when the fuel is run out, the unit still plays his Stand animations and such.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Models reacting to attacks

    I tried changing the unit to different types of models to see if that's the prob, but I'm starting to believe that it has something to do with the unit "fleeing" when being hit, when I exit the unit (which is supposed to be a vehicle" it automatically tries to escape when being hit by enemies. Perhaps it tries that aswell when it holds cargo and has gotten the controls and cameras and everything applied to it? It could be that it tries to flee but it doesn't because the controls stop it from doing that but still you see the unit going all spastic from the movements?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Martinolssons TPS engine machinegun type of shooting


    Edit: could it be that this problem has to do with the Traceline not updating or something like that? Edit#2: Might be worth to mention that as soon as I change the event of the Shoot trigger to Left Mouse button click Down everything works fine, except for the fact that it only shoots once when I want it to continue firing until I click LMB up.

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    posted a message on Unit Models reacting to attacks
    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    Open up the unit's actor (in the actors tab, it should have the same name as the unit). Open "events+" and look for anything that says "damage response". If you find anything like that, delete it. Those cause your unit to do something actor-related when it takes damage. In this case, it probably plays a "take damage" animation of some kind.

    Also, I moved this to the data forum.

    I really couldn't seem to find any damage response similar event anywhere, it's the marauder actor I'm modifying. Thanks for moving the thread though :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Models reacting to attacks

    I see know that I've explained things poorly, and it might've been stupid of me to post this in triggers :S. I did what you suggestsed but that didn't seem to help, what I mean with "unit reacting to attacks" is basically that it turn around left to right and right to left, (it's a marauder with goliath model and stuff, don't ask me why, shit got complicated) simply turning around as if it was trying to flee or couldn't decide which target to attack. I know this must be fixable since on the main unit -who is a marine- no such reactions happen when being hit. Thanks for the reply

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Models reacting to attacks

    Hi again guys, another thing I need help with, I wan to know if there's a way to make a unit not react to attacks with moving around and getting all spastic. To clarify one of my models is turning around and doing some animations rapidly and such when attacked, I want this to stop, I want the unit to not move in any way if the only cause is being attacked. Thanks in advance!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Vehicle Fuel Travel System

    Hey guys, I'm wondering if it's possible to make a system that drains "fuel" (energy) from a unit based on how far the unit has travelled. So let's say that the unit has traveled 10 yards or whatever measuring unit we're using, then the energy will be drained by 1 per yard. Ofcourse the fuel should be able to be refilled, otherwise the vehicle stops, but I'm pretty sure I can work that part out myself. I'm using this in a TPS engine, I've already made it possible to enter/exit vehicles fluidly and to control them smoothly, thought the fuel system would be a great asset to the vehicle part of the map. Since I'm using it in a TPS engine, I have BossBars to display the energy/fuel (which don't match the actual energy of the unit but that doesn't matter) so it doesn't have to drain energy but rather just set decrease the bar with 1 every time the unit travels say 1 yard or whatever. Thanks in advance, any help or advice greatly appreciated!

    Posted in: Triggers
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