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    posted a message on Mysterious Frame-rate drop

    After a moderate search, I failed to locate this other thread Mr. Mozared suggested. If someone could take the time to find this thread, it'd be awesome. Thanks.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Mysterious Frame-rate drop

    Bump. I'm sure someone here must've experienced something like this. I would greatly appreciate your help.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Mysterious Frame-rate drop

    I've recently published a map called Cortex Roleplay - Seraphim Ascension, and I'm having trouble solving framerate-drop problems in one certain area. That would be the lower-right corner, which is a tower/fortress. After extensive testing, I seem to have isolated the cause, and that introduced an even more puzzling problem.

    I deleted literally everything from the area one by one to get results - the water, doodads, pathing, turning off waves against cliffs, and eventually unified the terrain height, terrain texture, and cliff level. At that point, frame-rate still remained low for that area. When I lowered the cliff level once more, therefore deleting everything from sight, since I have the "hide lowest level" on for that tileset, frame rates shot back up. Then, I went back and changed the cliff texture I was using for that area to other types with no change in frame rate.

    I'm out of ideas, and would very much appreciate input from this very experienced community of terrainers. Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Terrain
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