I think I made something that should work:When you press -for example- up,the variable called vertical 1 (,1 for player 1) gets set to 1.The move trigger makes the unit move targeting the relative point which is set by the variables every 0.5 seconds.So if variable "vertical" is set to 1,the relative point will be set 1 (distance) away from the unit towards the upper-side of the map.And because the trigger makes this happen every 0.5 seconds,the unit will never reach that point,so it wil continue walking.The only way to make it stop is by releasing the button.
But nothing happens when I press a button!
Could someone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
(This somehow sounds more like a tutorial then a question).
Hi,I messed around pretty much with the editor,but I can't seem to get this right:I want a arrow-keys-movement-system for 8-10 players,with as less lag as possible.
Any help would be appreciated :)
(I didn't put any time into making a mouse-aiming sytem yet,but I don't think it will be that hard).
Alright,I put some screenshots as attachments
Also,I found something that might be interesting... http:forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/tutorials/10104-tutorial-lagless-wasd-system-using-data-editor/
I think I made something that should work:When you press -for example- up,the variable called vertical 1 (,1 for player 1) gets set to 1.The move trigger makes the unit move targeting the relative point which is set by the variables every 0.5 seconds.So if variable "vertical" is set to 1,the relative point will be set 1 (distance) away from the unit towards the upper-side of the map.And because the trigger makes this happen every 0.5 seconds,the unit will never reach that point,so it wil continue walking.The only way to make it stop is by releasing the button.
But nothing happens when I press a button!
Could someone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
(This somehow sounds more like a tutorial then a question).
@FuzzYD: Go
K,I'll try this out right now.And my game is not even near to done,but thx for the advice anyway ^_^ I really appreciate it.
Hi,I messed around pretty much with the editor,but I can't seem to get this right:I want a arrow-keys-movement-system for 8-10 players,with as less lag as possible.
Any help would be appreciated :)
(I didn't put any time into making a mouse-aiming sytem yet,but I don't think it will be that hard).