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    posted a message on Changing infested terran egg spawned unit

    Heh, yeah.

    Hope it's okay though, it just seems better than creating another thread asking the same thing. If not I can make my own thread next time. :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Changing infested terran egg spawned unit

    Thought I might as well bump this old thread because it's what I'm doing.

    Anyways, I'm having trouble understanding the logic of this spell (the way it's built and setup in the data editor). So let me see if I got this right.

    The way I'm understanding it is: You have 2 spells; 1 on the Infestor, 1 on the Egg.

    • The Infestor's spell creates the Egg and has a set of Effects that; shoots a projectile (the Egg), creates the actual Egg, allows the spell to kill the Egg, and starts the spell the Egg itself has.
    • The Egg itself has a spell that turns the Egg into the Infested Marine.

    Somewhere in there there's a timer added to the Egg.

    Now, I'm pretty new to the editor and I'm confused as to how to approach changing this spell to spawn a different unit. Could someone tell me how far off I am on my understanding of the spell and help me understand what I need to do?

    Hugs and Cakes

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Q] Importing and size of map

    See this is why I'm so confused. :D

    Thanks for the feedback guys. <3 I've missed the map maker communities.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Q] Importing and size of map

    Hey guys!

    Long time lurker, first time writer.

    I'll try to keep this short and simple and I hope it's okay for me to make a thread asking this.

    Basically, I was a WC3 map maker and wanted to recreate my old map for SC2, up until now I've been thinking of doing a reskinned sci-fi version and use SC2 units and models, but the new Warcraft: A New Dawn that was posted on the front page got me thinking about importing models, skins, sounds but I was wondering how much size it would take up.

    Does it seem possible to import between 20 and 30 Warcraft models into a SC2 map (With sounds and everything else you'd need), or would that most likely exceed the limited size for a SC2 map? And what is the max file size? I can't seem to find enough sources saying the same thing using google.

    Thanks in advance. :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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