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    posted a message on Free moving of transmission?


    I looked around and was quite surprised that I couldn't find something useful. What I basically want is to move a transmission freely on my screen.

    Normally it will sow up on the left side of the screen but is it possible, to change the position using X and Y? If not, this would be a epic fail.


    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Looking for questions! [Sexy Game Quiz]
    Quote from Doubotis: Go

    If you want to make questions about Gaming, i suggest you to see the videos of the AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd). Including laungh and laungh, you will learn a lot of things about gaming ;)

    Link: AVGN

    I watched already every episode :D Great guy, great videos!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining]

    You can add me to the list. I will help boosting the map of the week like crazy.

    Maybe I'll got a own project ready for this, but time will tell.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weird People PM me...

    Hmm... I could be one of these guys when I was drunk, but I can't really remember.

    Regarding the topic I have to say, that I once got a PM from someone who said, that my map sucks and I should just kill myself.

    At the end of our conversation I found out, that he didn't talked about my project, instead it was the map of someone else ._.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 1 Year of Starcraft. What Blizz brought to us...
    Quote from Lonami: Go

    Quoted for Truth.

    Just check Blizzard's history:
    Real ID on forums, mass raging: fixed
    No chat channels, consistent whinning: fixed
    No LAN, people didn't care: not fixed
    Shitty custom map system, only a minority complains: not fixed

    And I could go on and on with better examples, but Im not that bored.

    Just check Blizzard's history:
    Real ID on forums, mass raging: fixed
    No chat channels, consistent whinning: fixed
    No LAN, people DID care, mass raging: not fixed
    Shitty custom map system, the whole community complains: not fixed

    Lets see what the future brings...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Looking for questions! [Sexy Game Quiz]


    Thanks, you helped me a lot! I don't know though why you wrote it down here instead of writing a PM.

    Anyway, thanks for the creative questions of you.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Dustin Browder talks about HotS POP SYSTEM
    Quote from Forge_User_90756571: Go

    Short question: I have never really played WC3 Online, what was the custom map list system there like? And why did it work so good?

    There was a list, which looked like this:
    - Dota 5on5 -ar no noobs! <<< Hosted 5 seconds ago
    - Elemental TD fun!!!
    - Footman Frenzy 6.45...
    - Dota...
    - Dota...
    - Castle Fight 1.0
    - blablabla... <<< Hosted 2 minutes ago

    So basically, every map hosted got a own Game-name and it would be shown at the top of the list.
    If you host a map it would be shown as the first map in the list so people could already join in it.
    There was a lot of shifting in the list but you could find every map you wanted to play.

    EXAMPLE: (A lot of variation)


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Looking for questions! [Sexy Game Quiz]
    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    Which was the best Final Fantasy title? a) 7 b) 8* c) 12

    What do you think of the popularity system? a) Good b) Bad c) Don't care*

    Debatesssss? a) What? b) I hate that game c) Debatesssss!*

    Correct answers marked with asterisk.

    Haha, these are some very subjectively questions. I normally would like to get the questions via PM, since anyone could read the right answers here, even if they will be forgotten anyway.

    Though I don't think, that you picked the right answer for the second question.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Looking for questions! [Sexy Game Quiz]

    @Nebuli2: Go

    I plan on releasing it on Battlenet.
    Though it might get banned. If it does, the map will be released unprotected, so it can be played privately or used for information purpose (triggers etc.)

    Thanks for all the people sending questions in, but please send me more I need every kind of help.


    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Looking for questions! [Sexy Game Quiz]


    as some of you guys already now, I'm currently working on my actual project called "Sexy Game Quiz".
    The reason why I opened this thread is rather simple:
    I just need some more questions about "Gaming".

    The questions could be about: A Random game, a gaming company, a video game console, eSports, handy games (snake, angry birds) or something else. It could even be a question about a game character or even a quote out of a game.
    Just be creative at this point!

    If you have a question just write me a private message with the question and three options about the correct answer. Please mark the right one, so It won't be to hard for me to sort this. I will control the answers of course.

    The questions could be easy, normal or hard.
    I really need every piece of an idea since its really hard to come up with more than 100 questions on yourself. I already have a lot but it would be a great help if you could send me some extra ideas.
    And who knows? Maybe you're lucky and I'll pick your questions for the coolest custom map Battlenet has ever seen.

    Project Thead:


    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Countdown to D3
    Quote from Chiquihuite: Go

    I for one am withholding judgment until I get to try it for myself. You guys can have fun standing on the street corner wearing a cardboard sign about how "the end of gaming is near!" and I'll be off killing zombies or whatever. While wasting 60$.

    I just fixed it for you.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Countdown to D3
    Quote from Tolkfan: Go

    Selling of in-game items for $$$

    Valve does it - nobody cares. Blizzard does it - WTF!!!! ITEM SELLING!! FUCKING ACTIVISION!!! KOTICK IS THE DEVIL!!!!!

    the sold items:TF2D3

    give in-game power yes[1] yes

    can be obtained without paying yes yes

    are dropped randomly yes yes

    are also sold in in-game shop run by the company yes no

    can be sold by players for money yes[2] yes

    [1] - don't you dare say they are only cosmetic [2] - reviewed and selected by Valve

    Sorry but your comparison its lacking something.
    When someone plays TF2 its not like he tries to get the best equip possible. Its a skill game and a good player can totally own someone worser than him even if his flamethrower does 10% more damage from behind.

    In D3 all you do is farming a full set. You want to be the strongest and to get the best weapons possible.
    It takes hours to farm this and once you find something you are happy you did so. But now it just looks like a waste of time if you can just buy the items for real money.
    If Blizzard fails only 10% as hard as they did with Starcraft2 this game will be a disappointment.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map of the Week: Rodrigo's Idea

    If we just have to stay in the lobby while watching porn and masturbate to boost a map, I'm gladly in it.
    It would be nice if Rodrigo or someone would create another thread regarding the first steps.

    If this whole Idea isn't gonna work well at the first map we test this on, we have at least tried to do something and know if it actually is working. My only concern is that we don't get enough people for this.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Tonight on SC2Streamster: The Popularity system!

    And I just thought the stream would be worth watching.
    Then I read the first post...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Before you flame Blizzard. . . again. . .

    What the f...
    Guys aren't you talking now about completely different topics?

    I know that the whole topic was pointless but just to give something to the original idea of the thread:
    Don't create more tutorials about the editor (people already know how to create maps) there are enough tutorials already.
    Instead create tutorials on how to advertise a map on the internet.

    Posted in: General Chat
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