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    posted a message on [solved] Possible mover error?
    Quote from Kueken531: Go

    In this case, I would recommend still using a guidance mover and just target an offset point using a persistent effect.

    Won't it miss its target everytime? I have a hard time figuring how a guided projectile could be dodged, and I don't see how an offset can help without making the projectile incredibly dumb (to a point it will almost always miss its target because it will constantly aim for the offset point). While I'm at it, is there a way to destroy a projectile colliding with doodads and cliffs (like trees, walls, or whatever blocking the line of sight)?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on New HotS Protoss unit revealed (Finally)
    Quote from LongLivetheTalDarim: Go

    This is off-topic, but is it possible to make a map where you can control all 3 races?

    I found a map like this on BNet once... It was basically a 1v1 melee map where each player had 3 bases, each being of a different race. It also worked with AI, but to be completely honest it was boring as hell... Even against insane comp, you'd win with just a massive amount of zealots with marines to back them up.

    I have another question though, since Blizzard is planning to "cut" some units from the game, will we still be able to use these units and/or their models in our custom maps? I fear that if they remove them completely, we won't be able to play maps like Star Battle and such because the Carrier and Mothership won't exist anymore... Not that I care about Star Battle, but it's a good example in that case...

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    posted a message on [solved] Possible mover error?
    Quote from Kueken531: Go

    What do you mean exactly by missiles, which can miss?

    Basically it's a photon cannon projectile, but instead of using the "guidance" motion that updates its direction towards its target, it just goes straight and eventually die (either after a delay, or because its search area effect found an obstacle). You can watch the videos on my project page to see how it behaves more accurately, but it's a really basic dodgeable projectile.

    I usually disable errors when I publish on BNet but still, I just want to make sure this error is definitely removed because I think it's also partly responsible for another bug I found in my map lately (ie. the last 2nd level boss shooting pattern is not working properly, probably a collision detection issue).

    I'm not sure exactly what's this test mode you're talking about, how do I start it?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hive Keeper - Dungeon Keeper Mod
    Quote from TrenixPL: Go

    Also just imagine the extra creatures we'll be getting with the new Starcraft expansion and possible rooms.

    ... Along with hundreds of bugs too! :')

    Bibendus, you may feel "forever alone", but you're not. We just wait for the release, and as far as I'm concerned I always enjoy seeing updates about this project, be it a dev diary or anything else from you. It's good to see it getting "faster, bigger, better". I just don't feel the need to give any advice except "keep going!" because your work is just ...flawless!

    I just wanted to warn you though, you might have tons of problems and bugs showing up when you will make the BNet version of your map, because adapting triggers from a local version to be suitable for the whole lobby system (including players slots, who leaves the game and blablabla...) is a real, deep, and everlasting pain... but I trust you enough to know you'll overcome this and the map will kick our asses anyway. ;)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [solved] Possible mover error?

    Hi guys, I have an error showing very, very frequently when playing my Ikari Warriors map, be it locally or on BNet... It started appearing after the SC2 patch 1.4 came out (maybe it was there before but I haven't noticed this prior to 1.2), and from what I read I guess it's due to something wrong in the mover used for my projectiles. These projectiles are supposed to move in a straight line and can miss their target. So far it works, but I have this annoying message showing everytime an enemy (or my character) shoots: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/202/moverphaseerror.png/

    Here is how the mover itself is made in the Data editor, just in case you know what's wrong or want to try it yourself: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/231/moverphaseerror2.png/

    I seriously have no clue why it used to work back then and now it just pops errors by hundreds (AND it still works nonetheless). I really want to get rid of those messages, so if any of you have an idea on how to improve my mover so that it won't bug and still shoot projectiles that can miss, I'd be grateful... It's used in a weapon by the way, basically it's based on the photon cannon missiles and every shooting unit in my map uses this modified mover (or a clone of it anyway).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on New HotS Protoss unit revealed (Finally)
    Quote from houndofbaskerville: Go

    a shield battery..? wouldn't that spell the doom of balance (hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha.. still laughing, seriously probably impossible to balance.. oooo wait.. make it like the mofo.. make it unique (re hahahahhahahahhahhahahahahahaha) ... hrmm hrmm sorry :^)

    It's like saying a Medivac is overpowered... It makes no sense to blame the Protoss race over and over again (it was true when SC2 came out, but this speech is getting old already). Medivacs help units getting their health back (it's as unfair as it can be, don't you think?), and yet sometimes it's not enough to win. I can't see any reason why doing the same with Protoss shields will make the game imbalanced. Zerg heal themselves over time and have the Heal ability from the Queens, Terrans heal with Medivacs (or SCVs for vehicles), so why not Protoss having an improved shield regeneration under certain conditions too? If there is a new unit giving shields back, you can be pretty sure it will only work with limitations (maybe draining the unit's shields to spread it to the targeted units, or something like that).

    What could an air Reaver bring to the game anyway? Destroying buildings faster? Exploding air units in a blink? THAT would be imbalanced, other races don't have the weapons to counter it (Scourges for Zergs maybe, but what about Terrans?).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on New HotS Protoss unit revealed (Finally)
    Quote from SolidSC: Go

    @ZealNaga: Go Maybe a upgrade for the interceptor or another unit for the carrier to use.

    Well... Interceptors themselves are good enough, if you ask me. Personally I'm just frustrated when 3+ Carriers get killed by 20+ marines without being able to do much damage. It makes no sense to me, and same goes for the Battlecruiser... If only they had something like the Immortals shield to protect them, it could be just enough... That, or a +5 armor bonus like Ultralisks do. They're really expensive, considering how easy it is to put them down with upgraded tier 1 units. By the time you build your first, the enemy already has more than enough ground-to-air units to shoot it without suffering that much loss.

    Anyway, about the HotS new unit itself now, it can be pretty useful if it adds shield regeneration. If it acts just like a Medivac but for infantry units shields, it can be pretty annoying in early and middle game for the enemy... and you couldn't rush with them and Void Rays because I assume it won't regenerate vehicles. Yet, I think if there is a race that needs better defenses in early game, it's the Zerg. I hope they'll add the Lurker but I'm pretty sure you won't be able to spawn them before you get Hydralisks + an upgrade to unlock the Lurker morph, which is both time-consuming and expensive.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on New HotS Protoss unit revealed (Finally)
    Quote from Keyeszx: Go

    I'm happy we're getting an air unit.

    I would be even happier if they made something useful out of Carriers instead... As it is now, I never use Carriers anymore when I play Protoss because they're pretty much pointless. I used to build a lot of them when I was in the training league though, while toying with really bad players... but I can't remember watching any replay from pro players using them efficiently. They would rather use the Mothership instead. I'm pretty sure Protoss don't need more air units, they already have the strongest fleet of all races. I'm kind of disappointed with this new unit, I would have expected a heavy infantry or to have the Reaver back... anything on the ground, actually.

    @Yukaboy: What makes you think it can actually fire? Infestors and High Templars don't attack either, and they're strong enough as it is... ;)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Video drivers screwed up aero
    Quote from Keyeszx: Go

    Why does everyone always go to faulty hardware so quick?

    Well... Since you updated/rolled back your drivers and it didn't make it better, you have to assume the problem goes deeper than just a driver issue... The only reason I can see is a faulty hardware, either your graphics card or anything else... Might as well be your RAM or MB, who knows... What I know for sure is that BSODs are to be taken seriously, as they are quite often a matter of faulty hardware and/or incompatibility issues with your OS.

    If you have issues with highly-demanding programs (3D utilities, game editors and such), it gives my opinion even more credits. You probably have some compatibility issue somewhere that only gets triggered when your PC is pushed to its limits. The RAM is often faulty in these cases, maybe it's not dying but it can still be in conflict with something else coming from your new graphics card.

    Might be worth a shot to try cleaning your registry from any old drivers you may still have, they may be in conflict with the ones from your new card.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Hitman Absolution - Did they **** it up?

    Thanks for sharing the video, I almost forgot we're a month away from the official release...

    But as Tolkfan and Outsider said, there were other levels like this in the previous Hitman games... I remember Hitman 2 (or was it Hitman 3? can't remember accurately) starting with a raid of SWAT in a sort of asylum and you had to escape. The voice is different in Absolution (again), but it's not what kills the game in my opinion. I personally find the UI to be a shame. Flashing arrows everywhere to point out where the guards are, a map where you basically see everything around you, even a special mode where you see them from the other side of a wall and where they are heading... well, it basically kills the infiltration thrill. You just have to use this feature over and over again and you won't take any kind of risk. Hopefully, it can be disabled for hardcore players... I would have loved if they removed entirely the UI actually, even the ammo count. It would have been really cool to only have access to the map BEFORE the mission, so that you need to remember your route. It would add to the thrill when your plan goes extremely bad and you have to improvise another route. And it would have been even better if you had to check in the magazines how many bullets you have left.

    I'm glad the disguises and weapons are rare though, it forces you to be more stealthy. Let's be honest, we all did it: we just rush into the buildings, kill everyone, and the mission is done literally in a minute. That's not very interesting unless you're 16 years old, if you ask me. I agree with you though, I hope the other levels are not as linear as this one seems to be. But as far as I know, none of the Hitman games were entirely linear. You always had 2 or 3 ways to reach your goals, and I assume they will make sure to keep it that way in Absolution as well...

    Anyway, even though this level looks linear, it is pretty cool anyway. I'm not sure I'm going to buy the game just by looking at this video, but at least I'm very curious about its release. I'll probably wait and watch for players to upload let's plays before buying it, but my interest for the game remains intact. :)

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    posted a message on Video drivers screwed up aero
    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    @Keyeszx: Go

    Starcraft gave me a driver error and crashed once today as well. And I didn't change anything. Huh, Now it's working fine but.... Coincidence? I think not!

    Thanks to you, I don't feel alone anymore... SC2 on my computer keeps crashing since 1.4 is out, often with a BSOD. It took me like 3 or 4 days to be able to record my latest video of gameplay, just because I can't play SC2 and record at the same time without my computer/game/display drivers crashing! I even had to reinstall Windows entirely because I thought it was a virus messing with my drivers... Well, it wasn't... though now it seems to be a little it better.

    If you can Keyes, I'd recommend doing a fresh install of your system, getting ALL your drivers up to date (even USB drivers and such), and also make sure your video card is still 100% working. This kind of bug happened to me a few years ago before I had to buy a new card, though it's a bit different because it was literally dying from being too old (Crysis 1 - Graphics card 0). Getting the latest drivers for your card is not always the solution.

    Anyway, if even Aero doesn't work properly, it looks like your card, or system, is in pretty bad shape... I'd really recommend reinstalling your system to check first. Try other games as well, because there might be a leak of some sort in the latest patches from SC2. I personally can play Minecraft all day long without any problem, but I can't play SC2 more than 30 minutes without a crash. Bulletstorm works like a charm too...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Osama Bin Laden

    50.000.000 dollars to whoever get Osama bin Laden... Boy, this man must be pretty rich by now...

    I still wonder if they could have avoided killing him though. I'm pretty sure it would have been very useful to have him captured, because as many of you already said, someone will take his place soon enough. Killing Osama, as a whole, is not enough if you want to hit them hard. You also need to get the entire "hierarchy" following him, or it could get worse with whoever comes next.

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    posted a message on Portal 2 is out
    Quote from Ultraviper: Go

    Doesn't look good http://kotaku.com/#!5795355/valve-probably-done-with-single+player-games

    Well... That's a shame. Before SC2 came out, I was only playing single player games (and I'm pretty sure I'll keep doing so). That could explain why they wanted DOTA so much though... I'm not convinced it was the best decision for them to make...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Portal 2 is out
    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    I wonder.... Will there be cake this time?

    I'll let TheAlmaity answer that one... :D

    By the way, I just checked Steam and there doesn't seem to be any kind of DLC for Portal 2... I also checked the forums about the game and it looks like people are confusing extra contents (hats, gestures and whatnot) as DLCs. Lots of negative feedback on various websites, but there are also lots of good feedback everywhere, and people do not really understand this amount of complaints. I'm pretty sure those who complained were expecting so much from the game BEFORE the release that they end up disappointed anyway... so I tend to don't take Metacritic comments too seriously, haters will always be haters and fans will always give it a 10.

    I'm wondering if I should buy the game or wait for it to be cheaper, it's what I did for Portal 1 because I knew it was very short (I finished it in a day even if I wasn't rushing). If Portal 2 is two or four times as long as Portal 1, sounds fine by me (though I was expecting a bit more, to be completely honest). Still not worth its price though, so I guess I'll wait a bit...

    @Lonami: From what I understood, you play as the same girl you were in Portal 1 (known as Chell, a girl in an orange suit)... The 2 robots are for co-op only, a player controls the big robot and another controls the tall one. Laurel and Hardy comes to my mind... :D

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    posted a message on Portal 2 is out

    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to let you know that Portal 2 is finally out. See the link below (which you probably know already if you have Steam, the potato sack, and/or pre-ordered the game):

    If anyone wishes to discuss how the game is, what is good and what isn't, make your own little review or whatever, do it here! I'm really interested in knowing how long the game is and if it's as fun as I think it is with the new features. I haven't pre-ordered the game and wish to have some feedback first before buying it.

    Have fun, and don't forget to think with portals! :)

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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