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    posted a message on [Trigger-Actor / Data-Actor] Dynamic SkyBox
    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    UPDATE: Water reflections seem to cause complications with what im doing with the actor that is my skybox.

    Im not sure why but the sky is reflecting to the water. But then the water seems to reflect the sky back onto itself which causes the skybox image to glitch pretty hard in the sky.

    Hope this forum isn't dead yet. I want to tank you SouLCarveRR learned much from this. I just started with StarCraft II Editor and learned great things already. I want to know if you have found anything yet for the water bug, i am having these troubles to. It's kinda anoying because i realy want to add some water.

    Edit: Not sure now if it is the water thats glitching my skybox, because i have it everywhere on my map. My skybox keeps shaking when i move my character. Does anyone know what's causing it?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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