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    posted a message on Attack Abilities

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    by rage/adrenaline i mean

    whenever you hit people or get hit, it gives you rage/adrenaline, and you can use that rage/adrenaline to activate abilities

    its pretty much jus tlike mana, except it doesnt replenish and it has its own separate bar and cost for abilities

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attack Abilities

    Hi, i've got a problem with some abilities i want to implement

    basically, heres wat im trying to do: attack skills will use the same speed as regular attacks (so if you have attack speed boost or something like that, it also affects those skills) but these skills can also be interupted (not with just regular attacks) with designed interupt skills (done through triggers) id prefer not to have to do it through triggers, by making abilities in the class "attack" and having the effects applied through triggers when the ability is used

    so i need to find a way to make it so that it is basically an enhanced attack that is an ability and will get interupted by an interupt skill

    also, for those attack skills, i'd like to implement a rage/adrenaline system, but im not too sure on how to go with that

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Health bars

    @TwoDie: Go

    doesnt that show health bars for ALL units permanently (i havent had time to try it)? i just want the heroes to show them over their head permanently for every1

    and for the other guy im not too sure if i know where i can set that, ill try to look deeper into UI actions but i couldnt find wat i needed yet

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Health bars

    Hey, I been trying for a while to show up the regular health bars over the head of heroes permanently (the ones that show up when u hover a unit with ur mouse or when u hold alt), and i cant find out how to, so im wondering if there is some way to do that or if i would have to make up different bars and stuff like that


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Critical Hits

    @Kueken531: Go

    ohh lol never noticed that -.- thx

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Critical Hits

    @TheAlmaity: Go

    i dont see any place to create global variables O.o

    or would they be the 'Condition Definition'?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Critical Hits
    Quote from o3210: Go

    @saumee: Go

    Why can't you use If Then Else action? I don't understand the problem of comparison. Explain it more, please.

    i can, im using if/then/else, but i cant compare my variable with a variable i set in another trigger

    i set CritBase (which is the base % to crit) in my gameplay trigger on map initialization

    and then i have a trigger for crit that needs to compare a random number (Crit_Rand_Num in this case) to my other var (CritBase)
    but i cant reahc the var i set up at the beggining in my Crit trigger


    -EVENT game starts
    -LOCAL VARS CritBase = 0
    -ACTIONS set (CritBase = Real 2.5)

    -EVENT any unit takes any dmg
    -LOCAL VARS Crit_Rand_Num = 0
    -CONDITIONS Source of damage is Hero == True
    -()-set Crit_Rand_Num = Random Real between 0.0 and 100.0
    -()-IF [Crit_Rand_Num] <= [CritBase] + [CritBonus] ~~~~~ here i cant compare it, becaus ei cant get CritBase sinc ei set it in another trigger, any way to actually get it, without having to add it to local variables and restting it to 0?
    -()-THEN Extra damage
    -()-ELSE Do nothing

    ... this thing where it always do bold if u do 2* and crossed text if u do 2- is annoyign is there anyway to deactivate that?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Critical Hits

    Hey, so im tryign to get some crit hit triggers in my map and tryin to make it easy to edit/change if needed for balance instead of havign to edit the whole thing all over, so i have a general gameplay settings trigger which sets those vars at the beggining of the match

    CritBase = 2.5

    HSbase = 1.5

    BlockBase = 5.0

    and here when i come to my CritStrike Trigger, heres wat it looks like


    any unit takes dmg and w/e


    Crit_Rand_Num = 0 Crit_Damage = 0

    CONDITIONS Unit type of damaging unit is hero == true


    Variable - set (Crit_Rand_Num) to random between 0.0 and 100.0


    I need to compare stuff like this

    IF (Crit_Rand_Num) <= (CritBase) ========== Later on will come different modifiers that will add to the base crit chance, but right now i just wanna get this to work


    I cant get to simply add a modifier to the damage value, i could get to compare the damage value with something in conditions, but in actions i cant find no way to get the damage value and simply do like 1.5*Damage or somethign liek this, so i had to go with a very poor way to do this which goes like this (very poor way to do this and may turn out very buggy)

    Set property [life] of [triggering unit] to arithemtic [property [current] [life] of [triggering unit]] - real 25

    this is a very poor way to implement critical hits and will always make critical hits deal 25 extra damage, i would love to implement it so that it does the maximum weapon damage + 0.5 * maximum weapon damage, but i would easiely settle to simply modify it to 1.5*damage

    ELSE do nothing

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Type

    @Bezerker18: Go

    wow thanks lol i have no idea how i missed that one -.-

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Type

    Hey, I cant seem to get to set my condition to something like ti would be in warcraft 3 editor so heres the thing

    EVENTS any unit takes damage (any unit, any form of damage, fatal/non fatal)

    so here i was unable to change any unit to somehting like any hero, so i went to conditions

    CONDITIONS unit type of triggering unit == XXX

    here i cant find any way to just do == "Hero", so i tried a different way

    CONDITIONS triggering unit is in unit group XXX

    here i couldnt get to add all units of type hero to a unit group

    so im wondering if there is anyway to do this or if i missed something, cos i checked pretty much all my options and couldnt find anything


    Posted in: Triggers
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