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    posted a message on (Solved) New Structure not appearing Command Card

    Goal: Making a new building into a "Commander's Headquarters" for each race. The building would spawn a hero unit that will have an effect to give bonuses to units around it.

    So far, it seemed I knew what to do to get the structure on the SCV: new button, add the unit to the SCV(build) ability->info, add the ability to the command card for the SCV. I added perdition turrets, a psi-disrupter, etc. The new unit is just the merc compound with some changes.

    Bug - the ability does not appear in game at all on the scv, not even greyed out. Other things, when requirements are not met, are there but greyed, finally appearing when requisites are done.

    What could I have missed?

    Thanks ahead!!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) AI & new units

    So, would a feasible way to make a group of units work with AI be to use copies of other units with similar roles?

    Shard, I used part of your SC+ mod in mine, but I have not seen the new units spawn ever so far.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) AI & new units

    As I add new units to my mod like Firebats, Medics, Protoss Scouts, and so on, it seems the AI never uses these units against human players.

    How do you make the AI use new units? Can someone point me to some tutorials?

    My friend and I were considering making a mod with WoW models, but new units using AI will be important.

    Thanks ahead!!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Trading Resources - how do I enable it sooner?

    Thanks for the response!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Trading Resources - how do I enable it sooner?

    In my custom mod I want players to be able to trade resources right from the start, removing the "timer" that blocks it early in the game, so people can have a role as a gatherer from the start if they so choose.

    Anyone know where this is located in the editor? Searches on this forum and in other places have not turned up any info.

    Thanks ahead!!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Galaxy Noobs] Wow to SC2 in 30 seconds! NO 3dmax!

    Amazing tutorial, simple yet effective without expensive software! SCORE!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on (Solved) Upgrade Displaying on Units


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    posted a message on (Solved) Upgrade Displaying on Units

    I recently added Medics and Firebats to all 3 races, giving the other races different models. I have all the Command Cards working, spawning working, and they all use the Upgrades for their race . . . but!

    When I select an upgraded unit, the place where the unit has a 1 or 2 or 3 in the corner, showing what level they have, always stays at 0. But, the stats themselves are elevated correctly in yellow when you hover.

    I know its minor, but I am OCD and would like that correct. I checked the tutorial on Upgrades and didn't see the answer - thoughts?

    Thanks ahead!!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) How Do I Load A Mod?

    Very cool mod! I have not played enough to know what nerfs are correct, but it looks very extensive and was fun to see the campaign stuff in action again! Right now I am working on just getting some new Terran stuff in, the one I am testing has the robot panthers and perdition turrets, medics, firebats, but no nerfs (yet lol)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) How Do I Load A Mod?

    Thanks for the replies friends!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) How Do I Load A Mod?

    No no man, I understand about ranked games, my question was more if I play a vanilla ranked game, will having a mod file in the "Mods" folder cause an issue. With other games I made maps for like Crysis, if I left something in the wrong place you could get flagged for hacking. I am new to SCII, but not to modding games :)

    So . . how do I make a mod work - turn it on, make it work on all the main maps (I thought I read that was the point of mods, not to have to place everythin in new map files), and so on.

    Thanks ahead!!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) How Do I Load A Mod?

    Sorry for the noob question lol

    I am thinking of making a mod that enables campaign units as well as making some units for non-Terrans. I understand dependencies I think, but I do not want the stuff on just one map. I read a mod works on all maps but how do I load one up? Do I just place it in the Mods folder? If so, will I get banned or something if I forget its in there when I play a ranked game?

    I wanted to test this Starcraft+ mod I found, but I don't know how to get it working.



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    posted a message on (Solved) Experience Points

    I read in some patch notes somewhere it would be possible to give units "experience" - allow them to gain abilities as they survive battles. Your marine that survives some encounters might get a bonus to hit, range, whatever. Leaves a great deal of enhancement possibilities imho.

    Has anyone had any experience with this so far with the game?

    Thanks ahead!!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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