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    posted a message on Life bonus calculation

    Is there a way to change that. would need attributes to be considered first.

    Edit: Right now I've been able to do this via trigger and catalog functions.

    @DrSuperEvil: Go Do you know a data only way to solve this?

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    posted a message on Set-items like in diablo

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I cant find that field. what version of the editor do you have? I have 2.0.11.
    Do you mean the field Unit Name Override under Modification?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Life bonus calculation

    @Mugen245: Go

    I know how to do this XD. I would like to see a mathematical formula and/or the order boni from different sources are applied to a unit.

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    posted a message on Life bonus calculation

    I got some calculation question:
    Consider a unit with an attribute that increases maxlife. one buff that uses life-fraction 1.1 and one buff that adds 100 to maxlife.
    My question would be how is life calculated...in which order are changes applied. I've seen formulas for damage calculation. Does anyone know if theres a formula for life etc.?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tavern for reviving heroes(wc3 style)

    how is your reviving system working anyhow? data-only or with triggers?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tavern for reviving heroes(wc3 style)

    @Dzuke911: Go

    I cant tell you what is different. the only flags my interact ability has, are "Auto Cast" and "Shared Control". and all abilities of that buidling can be used....

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect to Instant Teleport (Solved)

    @Mugen245: Go

    quick and easy. you forgot to change a site operation.
    search for SOp Forward Zeratul in the actors tab. copy it and name it SOp Forward Hunter Killer. change the field Host: Forward + from Zeratul to Hunter Killer.

    back to the actors tab search for Strength of Aespirika Out. the field Host: Site Operations + needs to be change. you still have SOp Forward Zeratul in it. exchange that with SOp Forward Hunter Killer and ta-da all good

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect to Instant Teleport (Solved)

    @Mugen245: Go

    Î cant tell if thats ok. would have to test it. but 200 is a lot. could happen that you teleport yourself of the map.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tavern for reviving heroes(wc3 style)

    There is a flag called "Shared". I cant check it right now but that was the problem I had with a neutral building being the shop. And your tavern is basicly a shop with a revive ability ^^

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Artifact without base

    I searched the assets and the forum, but I could find anything.
    Basic idea is the completed artifact from the wol campaign without its base. I actually only need the animation "Stand Work". Maybe someone already did this, if so please post a download link.

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Set-items like in diablo

    considering that the tooltip is static, but you can change it via trigger.....there could be a way.....if, like in my case, your set is unique you could use a trigger to check if a unit has the count behaviour like 3 times for example. then change the tooltips of the items the unit has. but then you would have to remember them somehow and change them back if an item is dropped or sold. in my opinion, not worth the effort

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Set-items like in diablo

    @maticpl: Go

    thanks, thats way better then my idea. adding new boni, like adding 4 items bonus, is way easier that way. do you know if behaviours, that are added via item are removed when the item is dropped or sold??

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    posted a message on Set-items like in diablo

    I'm basicly just want to ask for opinions on my idea. I have 5 items, giving different modifications to the unit. now I want to create set boni for 3 and 5 items.
    I apply two behaviour for both boni with every item. and use validator to disable them.

    The 5 item bonus is easy. Using Combine with "and" and Unit Inventory Contains Item for every item. but the 3 item bonus is kind of messy.
    Right now i tend to us a Combine with "or" of a bunch of Combines. each for one possible combination of items (9 in total). Is there any other way I could do this? has anyone done something like this before?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect to Instant Teleport (Solved)

    for the people (like me) NOT playing DOTA Force Staff
    simplest solution for this. using a Persistent effect, setting its target offset to the distant you want, using this target as the target for your teleport.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Levelable Abilities with Effects through Triggers?

    @Mugen245: Go

    sound like 2 questions actually.
    First you can change the costs of an ability with the Modify Unit effect. wiki-link.
    Second, what do you mean with level INTO another effect? the effects for each level of the ability are set in its Effect+ field...

    Posted in: Data
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