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    posted a message on [Solved]Problem with Tassadar skin

    Hey mates, :)

    I solved the problem, the problem was in fact when i made a copy of Tassadar, the editor copied the "movement - flying" as "movement - ground"...

    I have 2 "movement - ground" in the behavior tab but one was for flying and the other was the original one but with the EXACT SAME NAME...

    thanks for your help cause you pointed me the right direction event it was intentional xD

    Cya soon :)

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    posted a message on [Solved]Problem with Tassadar skin

    @Kueken531: Go

    Hi Kueken,

    I already changed all his movement features and he's still doing the same thing... Getting this set on "Ground" just solved another problem that it was when it was approaching a cliff, he was gradually levitate until around twice his size... but he's still doing the "line direction" walk...

    I'm trying to solve that problem since a week :/

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    posted a message on [Solved]Problem with Tassadar skin

    Hi all !!!

    Here's my problem. I originally wanted to make a hero unit from a base of Tassadar Character. Tassadar is flying, this problem has been solved but his movement have a lot of troubles. Indeed, when you saying to him to on a specific point, he will go straight ahead to the destination without taking in consideration of the obstacle located on his way. If he just met a cliff, he will continue walking against the wall like an idiot for the rest of his life like he was currently "flying" on the ground behavior.

    Beside of that, i tried to recreate a hero from scratch but I can't find a tutorial resolving this problem.... so if someone have the solution or a way to put a skin for an unit without the rest of his stats, he'll have my eternal consideration xD !!! In the tutorial list, i have not found anything which is resolving my problem.

    Thx in advance ^^

    Posted in: Data
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