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    posted a message on Creating a video clip using cinematics

    @progammer: Go

    Thanks, programmer. Ladik's mpq editor worked. I was able to extract the ogv files (the cinematic files). I had to download a Video Player called Miro to play them.

    For those of you who are interested, this link will lead you to Ladik's mpq editor. http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/third-party-tools/4421-ladiks-mpq-editor/

    I can't run SC2 on ultra, so I'm gonna have to come up with something in order to get the in-game cinematics.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Creating a video clip using cinematics

    @progammer: Go

    Hi Programmer! Thanks for replying. I was able to find the enUS.sc2assets file in the folder where Starcraft 2 was installed on my computer. Unfortunately, I don't know how to access the ogv videos file. I also checked out the 2 links you posted. Couldn't find what I was looking for.

    My goal is to export the prerendered cinematics to an external video editing program so I can make a video and upload it onto Youtube and my website. I'd also like to be able to do this with the in-game cutscenes. If you know how to do these 2 things, can you explain it to me? I'm new to making maps and mods and video editing... Thanks for your help.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Creating a video clip using cinematics

    Hi guys. I'm working on a map, and I'd like to create a video clip using cinematics and cutscenes. Anybody know how I can access Starcraft 2's cinematics and cutscene files so that I can edit them in a video editor program? I'm hoping to post this video clip on a website and on Youtube. Also, if anybody knows of a good video editing program, please let me know. Thanks!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Attaching Graviton Prison beam to Kerrigan's hands?

    @Johnzee: Go

    Hi Johnzee. Thanks again. I'll try your solution tonight and post the results here.


    Hi Johnzee. It worked! Now Kerrigan doesn't slide while casting Graviton Prison. Thanks for all your help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attaching Graviton Prison beam to Kerrigan's hands?

    Hi Johnzee. After reading your post, I was like "oooooooh". lol. I understood what you said. I did have Kerrigan using the put-your-hands-together attack animation when she cast Graviton Prison. But I like your Force lift animation idea better. I'm gonna try that right now. I'll post here when I'm done.


    You were right, the Force lift animation looks better! I will use it! Thanks for looking into my problem and offering a better solution!

    I have a quick follow up question: When Kerrigan casts Graviton Prison near a group of enemies, she slides towards the enemies while the Force lift animation is playing. How do I get her to not move until the animation is finished playing? She does this when she casts Razor Swarm, so there must be a way.

    Thanks again for your help! Here's a small token of my appreciation.

    Kerrigan Icon

    Kerrigan Portrait

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on SC2 Parody Trailer - Better Marine

    @progammer: Go


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Attaching Graviton Prison beam to Kerrigan's hands?

    Hi Johnzee. I wasn't able to get everything to work.

    Before I go on, let me explain that I duplicated the Graviton Prison ability, but I didn't duplicate any of its actors, effects, models, etc. So my Graviton Prison_Hero ability is linked to all the original actors.

    So I checked the actor "GravitonPrisonBeamLaunchSite (Unnamed)". This is the actor that I have taking care of the launch site for Kerirgan's Graviton Prison_Hero ability. "Hosting - Host Site Operations +" was already set to "SOpAttachWeapon:Disabled:Disabled". I didn't have to modify anything.

    How do I set the host site for Kerrigan's weapons?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hero Line Wars

    Wow. I checked out a few video clips, and I'm pretty impressed. I was particularly impressed with the Roach's Impale ability. I'll download this and test it soon. Keep it up!

    [Edit] Oops. It's still in the alpha stage. Well, I'm looking forward to playing it!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Attaching Graviton Prison beam to Kerrigan's hands?

    @Johnzee: Go

    Hi Johnzee. Thanks for the instructions. I'll try this out today and post the results here.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attaching Graviton Prison beam to Kerrigan's hands?

    Hi guys, I gave my Kerrigan hero the Graviton Prison ability. It's an ability used by Hybrid Maar. I noticed when I use the ability with Hybrid Maar, the beam effect is attached to his hands/claws. However, this is isn't the case when I use the ability with Kerrigan. Anybody know how I can attach the beam effect to Kerrigan's hands as well?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Voliar's Revenge

    Skoite, your game looks awesome. I can't wait to play it. Keep up the great work!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Released!] Sarah Kerrigan Ghost

    I'd like to second Genopath's request. I know you're busy now, and I won't be using any Sarah models until next spring anyways. A Sarah model that looks like how she looks in the ending cinematic, in a white suit would be cool to have too.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Ability Tooltip help: Frenzy [Level 1]

    Thanks, Vulfe! You answered my question too.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Create Warbot Weapon Ability?

    Alright, I'm having problems with this. I created an ability (Effect - Instant type) called AllPurposeCannons. For the ability's Effect - Effect field, I chose an effect (Set type) called ArmAllPurposeCannons. In the effect's Effect - Effect field, I chose 2 Remove Behavior type effects to "disarm" 2 weapons and 1 Apply Behavior type effect to "arm" a weapon. (I didn't see a reason to add 3 Remove Behavior effects since the Warbot only has 3 weapons in total). I added the ability ArmAllPurposeCannons to the Warbot's Abilities + and Command Card + fields. In the Command Card + menu, I chose Command Type: Ability Command and Ability: AllPurposeCannons, but nothing popped up under the Ability Command field. Now my button isn't even showing up when I test the map.

    Also, I didn't edit the unit's actor at all. I didn't see a reason to edit this.

    Could someone help me?

    Posted in: Data
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