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    posted a message on I feel like Im in over my head

    I started a map recently and while they layouts easy Im having problems with somethings.

    I can edit units and copy them, Ive already made a bunker and a command bunker, the CB has health regen and cargo space so I know how to do a few things.

    How ever Im kind of stuck on editing unit properties them self. Ive been trying to make it so all I need is what ever structure a unit pops out of is all he needs to be created. IE the reaper needs just a barracks, not the tech lab, and also adding different units to the same building, seige tanks made from the barracks. I can get the icon to show up, I can add the unit icon, I can add an ability, and I can add that theres either no requirements or to have a barracks, but it still insist on having a tech lab to make units.

    Ive also been trying to add a turret to the command bunker that I made but nothings working. I read a tutorial on how to do it but I cant even seem to find out where to start in the editor itself unless for what ever reason I cant add effects to the unit.

    I havent even done any of the enemy triggers yet, the upgrades, or the hero's either and I feel overwhelmed >.< Ive read and watch some of the tutorials but Im still a bit frustrated.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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