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    posted a message on [Info] Patch 1.2 Undocumented Changes

    @Ultimaswc3: Go

    Same here with the actors. In my map, any time a unit breaks an attack to move somewhere it creates an infested terran actor on said unit. And this is for a version that was stable before the patch... O.o

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Map crashing bug?

    I'm not sure how much of a description would help, since I'm a bit bewildered by this problem. I created a map that works completely fine except for one problem: After roughly 15 minutes of gameplay, the game will crash. Not just the map, but SC2. I managed to get someone to send me a replay of me crashing and there is nothing significant happening when the crash occurs. I published another map that does not have this problem.

    If you think you can help, I can PM you the error log if you like.

    Here is a link to the replay where I crash: Link Removed: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1z7kamodna1a9s7/EE Crash.SC2Replay

    Is there a common problem that causes games to crash? What factors would lead to a game crash?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Introducing: Malum Ruina

    Version 1.35:

    - Fusion Bomb base fuse increased 1 second to 5 seconds

    - Improved Augmented leggings from +10% ms to +15% ms

    - Alien now respawns in Survival Mode

    Version 1.37:

    - Zombies and spawnlings now wander about mindlessly

    - Reworked alien attacks

    - Reworked infection

    - Electrical Storms are now dangerous

    - Lava/storms have twice the chance of occurring but have much shorter duration

    - Players can no longer make their names blank spaces

    - Spawns can no longer take new evo forms before the overlord is finished evolving

    - Xenobiology has been reworked

    - New alien forms: Obliteration, Insurrection, and Caliginous

    - Fixed a bug that prevented the victory trigger from working in Survival mode

    Version 1.41:

    - Fixed an exploit allowing players to glitch into the lava outside and wander outside the map

    - Rocket launcher's secondary ability now costs 110 energy and does more damage

    - Weapons have been rebalanced

    - Exploding barrels

    - Kit Factory can now make a Communication Uplink Relay

    - Orbital Drilling Laser for big splosions and stuff

    - Removed the autocast for the Medic's heal ability

    - Dogs that may or may not explode

    - Clicking Display on the Alien's telepathic control center now hides more of it

    - Various other changes, balances, and bug fixes

    Versions 1.42-1.44:

    - Players no longer retain control over menus when they die

    - Other miscellaneous bug fixes

    Version 1.47:

    - 3 new alien forms (tier 3): Calcination, Voltaic, and Viral

    - Fusion bombs now create fire

    - Changed the debug code. BUNCHA JERKS.

    - Various bug fixes and balance changes, per usual

    Version 1.48:

    - Evolution requirements for alien reduced from 3200/7000 to 2800/6400.

    - Reduced the cooldown for alien eggs from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.

    - Fixed a bug causing the Hacking ability to reset when someone else approached a locked door.

    - Hacking now works about twice as fast

    - Only 1 person may access a locked door's keypad at a time.

    - Players must now use the Board ability to enter a vehicle.

    - Added a '-repick' command so players can try to random a new class. Players cannot repick to a class that is already assigned to another player. This command is disabled after 4 minutes of game time.

    - Players can now opt in or out for selection as the Alien

    - Names of players are now listed. If closed, the list box can be opened again with the '-names' command.

    - Small bug fixes

    Version 1.52:

    - New introduction cinematic

    - Viral and Calcination alien forms can now properly spawn other players

    - Alien forms and spawns have been rebalanced

    - Various other bug fixes and changes

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Problems w/ ability that can target both units and points

    Hello everyone. My problem is a bit complicated, but I'll be as brief as possible.

    I'm trying to make an ability that can target both points and units. In other words, I want the ability to fire a beam at the terrain OR a marine/command center/bunker/etc.

    For attacking points, everything works perfectly. I select the point on the terrain to use the ability, the ability charges correctly (30 seconds, cast stage) then correctly fires the beam. However, for units, the only thing that will work is the ability execution. It will not charge (enter cast stage) or successfully fire (finish stage.) I checked over the ability and related effects and everything is set to target units/points. Is this some kind of bug in the editor or did I miss something?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Introducing: Malum Ruina

    - Version 1.30 -

    - Zombies (you heard me)

    - Class abilities

    - Revamped the class selection system to be more random

    - Modified the position, size, and functionality of the chatbox

    - Restructured the way vehicles work. They now expend energy more slowly but do not naturally regenerate

    - Added new item: Vehicle Battery Charger

    - Various other balance changes and bug fixes

    - Version 1.31 -

    - Players will now vote on the following game modes at the start of the game:

    - - - Survival (infected colonists spawn on the map, killing the alien no longer results in victory)

    - - - Normal (no infected colonists spawn, normal victory conditions)

    - In the event of a tie vote, the mode will be decided based on the number of players present

    - Dead players now gain allied vision for the remaining players

    - Fixed a bug that caused the chat to stop working after the game was over

    - Fixed a bug where 2 or more units could board a walker or cruiser at the same time

    - Buffed the Orion Combat Walker's machine gun (better damage and range)

    - Various bug fixes/balance changes

    - Version 1.32 -

    - Combat walker weapons are now fixed

    - Modified the camera for the Mercury Class Freighter so you can exit more easily

    - Reduced the frequency of infected colonists dropping loot

    - With the exception of walkers, vehicles can now run over infected colonists

    - Version 1.34 -

    - Fusion Bombs

    - Fixed some text entries for the loading screen

    - New map preview image to increase the awesomeness level

    - Fixed a bug that would occur when the alien would die as certain evo forms, causing the victory trigger to break

    - Various bug fixes/balance changes

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on [Data] Working with Beams (Beginner Difficulty)

    Hello ProzaicMuze. As you might expect, I have a question regarding beams.

    Specifically with the Void Ray. I want the beam to channel on the target like normal but break when the target moves a certain distance away from the shooter's facing angle. Sort of like Arc Slop. Actually, exactly like Arc Slop. Currently I have it so that it can only acquire a target within 10 degrees of the facing angle but once the beam is on the target it will stay on it until the target either dies or moves out of range.

    Is this possible? If so, how? Thanks for your time.


    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Introducing: Malum Ruina

    - Version 1.25 -

    New in this version:

    - Reworked the way vehicle energy is structured. Vehicles can travel further but no longer recharge energy on their own (this rework should also reduce lag a bit)

    - New item: Vehicle Battery Charger; Partially recharges the battery of a target vehicle

    - Nerfed Charged Burst a bit (lasts 1.2 seconds instead of 1.5)

    - Augmented Leggings no longer cost custom resources to purchase

    - Fixed a bug that made it impossible for the alien to evolve if he placed an egg or item in a vehicle

    - Various other bug fixes/modifications

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Introducing: Malum Ruina

    - Version 1.24 -

    - Fixed a bug allowing the alien to carry weapon abilities over when transforming

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Introducing: Malum Ruina

    @tigerija: Go

    The map is published in the US region as of right now. If it becomes more popular (and if Blizzard hasn't allowed cross-region play by then) I will seek methods for publishing in other regions.

    If you want to try the map and you don't have any friends online, here's how you do it:

    1. Get on battle.net

    2. Click on Multiplayer, then Create Game. Toggle the drop down menus so they display "Popular" followed by "Custom."

    3. Enter Malum Ruina into the search bar and click on search. If you are in the US region, the map should be displayed in the box below. Double click on the map to begin hosting.

    4. Start the game. Once it loads, type "-disable victory" to turn off the victory conditions. This will allow you to play the game alone.

    Just to note, if you play the game this way it won't be very interesting. It's intended for multiple people (I would recommend at least 6.) But this is a good way to familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the game.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Introducing: Malum Ruina

    - Version 1.23 -

    - Weapon Abilities

    - - - Standard Pistol (+ Officer's Pistol)

    Charged Burst: Greatly increases firing speed for a short period of time

    - - - Flamethrower

    Napalm Blast: Fires superheated flamethrower fuel at a target location, causing damage to nearby units

    - - - Shotgun

    Ballistic Shield: Protects user from conventional weapons for a short period of time

    - - - Assault Rifle

    Launch Grenade: Fires a grenade at a target location (faster than normal grenades)

    - - - Laser Pistols

    Deploy Personal Shield Generator: Gradually amplifies the heat shield of nearby units, creating a personal force-shield around them

    - - - Rocket Launcher

    Hornet Mini-Rockets: Fires a devastating volley of rockets at a target location

    - Personnel now have a small energy shield which quickly regenerates when outside of combat

    - Various bug fixes and balance changes

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Introducing: Malum Ruina

    - Version 1.22 -

    New in this version:

    - New mission: "Chariot from Heaven"

    - Fixed lagginess of vehicles

    - Items bought from shops are now automatically picked up if there is room in your inventory

    - Fixed a bug where no one could talk when the game was ending

    - Slightly increased the movement speed for the Inception alien

    - Spread out game tips to make learning the game easier

    - Reduced the amount of time it takes to run a GIA scan

    - Modified terrain a bit to help prevent getting trapped when exiting vehicles at certain spots

    - Various other changes/bug fixes

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Change custom resource icon?
    Quote from Wolf1322: Go

    Does anyone know where to change the custom resource icon? At the moment it's just that default metal heart type icon, which is nice an' all, but not really representative of the resource it's for. I can change the name, and the resource works just now, I'm just wanting to change the icon.

    Thanks for any help.

    This, and also is there any way to modify the error message that appears when, say, someone tries to train a unit that costs custom resources but doesn't have enough (the default error is "e_cmdNotEnoughCustom.")? I looked in the text editor but the field just doesn't appear.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Introducing: Malum Ruina

    I will be using this thread to post updates to the game. For a full changelog, go to the official Malum Ruina forums.

    - Version 1.20 -

    New in this version:

    - Optimized doors (they now stay open if you're following someone or standing on the threshold)

    - Fixed a bug causing the player's color to change when transforming back into human form

    - Fixed a bug causing the alien's item charges and item cooldowns to reset upon transforming

    - Increased the range at which items can be picked up

    - New ability for Personnel: Sprint (temporarily increases movement speed)

    - Various bug fixes

    - Temporarily removed storms (they will be back once the lag issue is resolved)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on [Library] Item Utility Library
    Quote from Vortexx2010: Go

    I cannot get the Ability Command for Inventory to show up in the trigger. It seems to only show Effect - Target type abilities. I have set a button to the Use Item (Instant) command for the Inventory Ability. Am I missing something?

    I'm having this same problem. It has to do with the inventory ability automatically assigning sub-abilities to manipulate items. You can't change "ItemInstant" to anything else, so changing it from "No Target" doesn't work. This is why any button assigned to ItemInstant doesn't show up in the Order Use Item Instant action - only abilities with targeting will show up (especially considering this function is a copy of "Issue Order Targeting Item.")

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Picking up Items

    Yay, I got it! Finally.

    I downloaded that trigger library linked to earlier and now issuing the "Take" order targeting the item as a unit works. Hooray!

    Posted in: Triggers
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