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    posted a message on *CASH PRIZES* - StarCraft II Mapping Contest!

    This is why I didn't expect or plan to generally publicize the contest. It was mostly as a bump in incentive for the mapmakers who were already making such things on diplo/hive. If I was planning on a bunch of people from some random map forum I'd extend the time limit at least another month because frankly you'd be at a complete disadvantage right now.

    However while I thank you for the advice, I'll just say again that the contest was designed for a specific audience and sniper kind of got ahead of himself with the "gogogo lets get publicity" . I'll change the due date around if anyone here would actually be interested in participating.

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    posted a message on *CASH PRIZES* - StarCraft II Mapping Contest!

    @roguelike: Go

    It's a loose term. Basically any kind of spawn based or diplomacy map fits the bill. Essentially if it isn't dota/TDs/tag/tug of war..

    Did you play wc3 custom maps at all? Some good examples from there would be maps like Battle for Middle Earth, Azeroth Wars, Europa, American Colonization, The Alternate Future, Greece, etc.

    EDIT: Also, if you would like to participate in the contest, please either post here saying such or shoot me a PM. This is just so I can see how many people plan to be participating so we can determine if there is enough interest to warrant a second and third place prize.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on *CASH PRIZES* - StarCraft II Mapping Contest!

    Oh my. I wasn't expecting this to go around to other sites, but you're all welcome and encouraged to participate and I'll do my best to answer any questions you have!


    What are your contest's rules concerning what happens to the map in terms of ownership or anything of that sort? In order words what does the site intend to do with these maps and where can I find the full details of such things in writing? (and if there isn't such a document, there should be)

    The maps made and submitted are still 100% the work of those who made them, and as such belong to them. The point in making the contest was to help encourage custom strategy maps being put out there, and while it takes more than a month and a half to make a complete and polished strategy map, the hope is that mappers will continue to work on these maps afterwards and enjoy their own projects. The $50 (and $25/$10 second/third prizes) is just a nice bonus.


    What is an LoC map?

    Sniper explained it pretty well, and if you're interested in making a LoC map I recommend you contact myself ([email protected]) or Baledwyr on MSN and we can give you specific map ideas and help you with lore.

    Quote from KiwiWarrior: Go


    to bad i can't do much yet and in a month i still will not hav the skills to make a goody map xD for this, =P

    good luck who ever enters xD

    Hey, the best way to learn is by doing :)

    Take it as an opportunity to experiment and see what you discover. Even if you're not the overall winner you may end up creating a map idea you fall in love with!

    Posted in: General Chat
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