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    posted a message on StarCraft Battlegrounds
    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/qgHPqI5z2fg?fs=1

    Battlegrounds is a mod that I've been working on in my spare time, for the past year or so. After I directed the machinima short 'Battlecruiser Operational' ( ), I wanted to create a playable version of it and Battlegrounds is what it evolved into. The goal is to make a version of StarCraft that is epic and realistic, as well as fast paced and brutal.

    • No macro, unit to unit battles only
    • Realistic unit sizes, scaling, and damage
    • Fast reinforce units anywhere
    • Objective based maps
    • 1v1 or 2v2

    It's not quite ready to be played but it is very close. Let me know if you are interested in beta testing!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Multiple MULES or units with a single droppod

    So if I want multiple MULEs or units to spawn with a calldown ability, all I have to do is change the Create Unit effect to change the number of spawned units, but if I do this it drops one droppod per unit. Like if I spawn 8 units it will drop 8 droppods with them. How can I change this so that I can drop 8 units with a single droppod (drop pod is scaled up obviously)?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Target Ability that requires creep

    I have a targeted ability that creates a unit when clicked. However I need the unit to be created only when clicked on creep and give an error if not, just like placing a building or creep tumor. Currently if I click outside of creep, the cursor just disappears, no unit is created, but the minerals are taken anyway. I need some kind of requirement or validator, I'm assuming. I've looked through a lot of them but couldn't find anything that worked so far. Any help would be appreciated!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Placement Error

    I have an ability that places multiple infantry drop pods at a given AOE location. I want this ability to work only on open terrain only, very similar to how the Protoss warp in system works - if there is something in the way like a unit or structure, it will give an error "cannot find placement" and nothing will happen. Otherwise the effect will trigger.

    My cursor effect is just linked to a search area. I thought maybe i would add some kind of validator but I couldn't figure out which one to use. Any ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [MOVIE] Battlecruiser Operational (Blizzcon Entry)

    Thanks for the honest feedback everyone.

    Some backstory on the project: my original idea was to have the entire film take place from the point of view from the battlecruiser's gunner. I watched videos of real-life military footage from helicopters and such and thought, it might be cool to have a Starcraft take on the modern war style. Sadly I couldn't get the camera to do what I wanted - attaching it to the Battlecruiser while it moved over the map and have it be able to pan left and right, and still look convincing. So with 2 weeks left in the deadline and getting nowhere, I decided to scrap it and go for traditional cameras instead. The action and battle was already set up so all I had to do was shoot some coverage and make sure the models didn't look too awful closeup, and find angles that didn't lag the game too much. (Some angles I wanted.... the game went down to 2 fps)

    In retrospect you guys are totally right - there was a lot of opportunity to put some actual plot in there and intercut characters with the action scenes. Also the dialogue didn't change styles when the style of the film changed, which was probably a big blunder. :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [MOVIE] Battlecruiser Operational (Blizzcon Entry)

    Thanks for the feedback. :) Did you think that the dialogue writing was hard to follow, or that the voice acting itself was not good quality? Or both?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [MOVIE] Battlecruiser Operational (Blizzcon Entry)
    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/wL0RiDJl9Cc?fs=1

    Hello all, this was my entry to the Blizzcon Movie Contest this year. Sadly no prizes won. :(

    It's a 3 minute action scene following the Battlecruiser Savior as it gives air support to Alpha Squad. Purely fictional, no relation to any existing Starcraft lore.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Turn off white circles for Siege Tank?

    How do you turn off the white circles when you go into siege mode (showing you the range?) Turning off game UI and going into cinematic mode doesn't remove these for some reason, I'm making a cutscene and these need to be removed!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Banshee flight behavior

    The Banshee banks and rolls to match the terrain height.... in my map there are all sorts of terrain height differences, and when my Banshees fly over them, it goes crazy banking and rolling and it looks pretty awful. Other air units don't do this, just the Banshee.

    Anyone know how to disable this behavior? I tried removing the sopbanker in the host operations for the actor, but no dice.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creating a drop pod

    I'm trying to make a cutscene that has a drop pod falling down every few seconds, that drops off 6 marines, 2 marauders, and 2 firebats when it lands. I'm not sure if this should be done with triggers or data, or both.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Attaching a camera to a unit?

    Hello all, I am wondering if this is possible. I want to attach a camera object to a unit, so that whenever I issue the unit to move with triggers, the camera will move with it. I know there is a follow command, but I also want to do 2 other things:

    Offset the camera so that it's not centered on the unit... when the unit rotates the camera position should rotate as well.

    I also want to be able to pan the camera independently of the unit attachment. Meaning, the position of the camera would be locked to the unit, but the target is still movable.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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