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    posted a message on Which Camera Recorder Should I Use?

    Which camera recorder should I use to record starcraft 2 games. by recorder I mean a computer application that records the screen of the computer and audio. Ex. Hypercam Every recorder i've tried to use to record my map in progress has either shown a black screen or didnt work at all. Which do you guys use? and where can I find it?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Where is the DUNE maps?
    Quote from propaneofthehill: Go

    Nuff said.

    Not really, do you mean maps with the nydus worm in game?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Can you Stop One Unit?

    Hi everybody, currently i'm working on a map to bring back that fun 20-30 minute game "Can you stop one unit" from the original Starcraft. For those of you who are unfamiliar with starcraft 1 or this game type in general, the map consists of a long path deviding it into top and bottom, usually the path is on a different elevation or in between doodads or ect. There are six players (3 on top , 3 on bottom), all on the same team, who build a base and construct units and send the units to the center path. A unit will appear on one side of the path and begin walking to the other side, this unit belongs to a non-agressive enemy computer. The goal of the players is too kill this unit before he reaches the other side of the map, sounds easy enough right? Wrong these units who walk from one side to the other are buffed like crazy, either with high health or health regen or just a crazy shield/ armor/ speed/ or a combo of all of them. Certain units are helpful, (for example when a super buffed shield archon begins walking, a ghost with an emp round will do destructive damage to his shield.) Traditionally if any units make it to the other side the game is over for the players, but featured in my map there is a difficulty setting which changes how many "Lives" the player team has, Easy starts with 3 lives, Medium 2, and Hard 1 life. Traditionally the orignal had fast build also, which I removed and have given the players incredible amounts of resources to mine. Differences from the orignal

    • Fast build is no longer used
    • Lives implemented
    • Allow melee units onto the path (in the old version they were not allowed because of pathing collision, which is now fixed due to the data editor)

    Here is a picture of what the original Sc1 "Can you stop 1 Unit" game looked like - http://lh5.ggpht.com/_s5cF89zQnlI/SpAe7ZBHSeI/AAAAAAAAAMc/b6023ltcdjM/s800/scmotd-090501-1.png I will post a video of what the first few level look like soon...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Send Messaeg Help

    ok thank you, i read that it said it only works on blizzard maps so i didnt think it would work here

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Send Messaeg Help

    How do i send a messaeg to all players without using a transmission? I want a message to appear on the bottom left of the players screen (No matter where they are looking)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Start position issues

    It can be done using teams, put he individual in his or her own team and it should fix it. Also create a trigger in game that re-Allies the players back into the same team. If that doesnt work then someone else might be able to help you but i'm pretty sure that'll work. @JimmyBanks: Go

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Start position issues

    I think i know what you mean, basically you want which ever player they are to decide where they start, For example player 1 in the pregame lobby (first player listed) starts at Start Position1 correct?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Help with custom unit model

    I have tried a few tutorials but am not understanding how to attach a model to a cutom made unit, i tried duplication the unit and telling it to dupe everything but the model still doesnt change. In game it it appears as a white/black ball. On a unit i messed with the model appear but a big black square appeared under his feet in the editor. Can someone point me to a good tutorial or telle me how to link the model to the unit?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Walk/Attack when stopped?

    I Think I'll change there collision size to 0 so they walk right through each other, thanks for that idea it would of taken me forever to think of that.@Berrala: Go

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Walk/Attack when stopped?

    I'm making a remake of "can you stop one unit" so there is a path down the center of the map that the unit walks down. My version of the map allow mele units in the path but im having trouble because when i test the unit trys to walk around them. and if i make the melee units hold position, he'll jusk walk back and forth. The path is a cliff level below the surrounding area. P.S. Actually instead of attack i'm thinking adding blink to the units abilities so he'll just teleport past them but i wouldnt know how to set up where to put the point for the unit to teleport to...

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Walk/Attack when stopped?

    My map features a unit walking to a point, but i dont know how to set the trigger up so if the unit is blocked by other units it will attack them and then continue walking. I dont want the unit to attack everything in its way but attack when its path is blocked.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Quick trigger help

    So you want every mineral you mine to create a unit at a point? also reset minerals to 0? @copperfront: Go

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Can you color code your name?

    As the title asks can we color code our names or color code signatures ect. ?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Play Animation Forever

    Well, a way to do this is create a trigger that uses "periodic event" event tell it to "play animation 'Taunt' " every "(Time how long the animation last)" @SweetZombieJesus: Go

    Posted in: Data
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