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    posted a message on damage not being applied from tower

    I think your Launch Missile Effect maybe the problem here. Select the Launch Missile Effect of your tower's attack and on the right hand side make sure the Impact Effect field has the Damage Effect of your tower's attack. If not, edit the field and find the Damage Effect for that tower.

    If that isn't the problem, then maybe the Damage Effect itself is the problem. Make sure the Amount field on the right side is the amount of damage you want the attack to do. Also, check the Impact Location field. It should either be Target Unit/Point or Target Unit.

    If that doesn't solve the problem regarding damage, then I don't know what's wrong either.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to Fire Caster as a Missile?

    I need help on creating an ability. The ability I want to make works like this, the caster transforms itself into a missile, then fires itself toward the targeted location as a missile, and when it gets to the targeted location, it transforms back to its original form. While it is a missile, it does damage to all enemy units and structures that gets touched by it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Date Editor questions

    For making abilities available only when certain levels have been achieved, you would need an upgrade and a requirement.

    First go to the Upgrades tab. Create a new upgrade based on Default Upgrade (name it whatever you want and make sure you click Suggest for ID).

    Now go to the Requirements tab and create a new requirement (choose Upgrade for Tech Type). On the right hand side of the requirement you just created, you need to edit the Requirement+ field. A new window will pop-up. Add a Requirement Node under the Use category (right click Use and click Add Requirement Node). Click on the requirement node you just added and make the following changes: Type: Count Upgrade, Alias: "name of the Upgrade" you created in the Upgrades tab, and State: Completed. Now if you don't want the ability button to be shown on your hero until you have achieved a certain level, add a new requirement node under the Show category too with the same settings as the one for the Use category.

    When you got that done, go to the Abilities tab and select the ability you want your hero to gain when a certain level have been achieved. On the right side, edit the Commands+ field. Select Execute at the top, then in the Search field under Requirements, type in the name of the Requirement you created in the Requirements tab, select it, and click OK.

    Note: I haven't used this Event or Condition before, so I am not 100% certain that I am using the right Event and Condition for this Trigger, but this is what I got. Open the Triggers window (F6). Create a new Trigger and add a new Event as Unit Gains Experience Level on the right hand side of the new Trigger. Leave it at Any Unit and add a new condition. Make the following changes: Value 1: Unit Type Of Unit, Unit: Triggering Unit, Operator: ==, and Value 2: "name of your Hero". Add another condition and make the following changes: Value 1: Experience Level Of Unit, Unit: Triggering Unit, Operator: ==, and Value 2: "level you want your hero to gain the ability". Then add a new Action as Add Upgrade Level For Player (its under the Tech Tree heading). Change Upgrade to the name of the Upgrade you created and change the player number.

    That should do it. I cannot help you with the animation as I do not know how to.

    Posted in: Data
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