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    posted a message on Trouble with Game Variants

    @TheBlueWizard: Go

    I've had problems with game variants in the past (turns out a dependency error was the causing problem, no clue why). Try what I did http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/map-development/9420-game-variant-bug/ hopefully that will solve the problem :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on trouble with proximity/alliance testing

    @qerodar: Go

    Np, let me know how it goes ;)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on trouble with proximity/alliance testing

    @qerodar: Go

    I'm not at home to check, but this might work (please excuse the pseudo code):

    local variable: fortress_group (empty unit group)

    Pick each unit in unit group (in region matching conditions, entire map, any player), unit type: fortress unit

    - Add unit to "fortress_group"

    For each integer i, 1 to (number of units in unit group, "fortress_group")

    -Pick each unit in unit group (in region matching conditions (convert circle to region, centred on (unit from unit group "fortress_group", index i), radius 25.0)

    -If owner of picked unit != owner of unit from unit group "fortress_group", index i

    -Then "Enemies near our Fortress"! / Else "No enemies nearby"

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on trouble with proximity/alliance testing

    @qerodar: Go

    Quick question, are the regions pre-placed, or are you making them dynamically? You seem to creating a region that is centred on a pre-placed region

    Quote from qerodar: Go

    Region: Convert Circle To Region Center: Center Of Region Region: region array Index 1: i Radius: 1.0 25.0 in live code

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on " Hero Forge " (Placeholder Name)

    @Tattsoo: Go

    For scaling, you can have a number of case events, using else if statements. I'm not on the editor atm, so please excuse my pseudo code:

    If [number of units in unit group (party)] == 1

    Then: [skip remaining actions]

    If [number of units in unit group (party)] == 2

    Then: [pick each unit in (enemy party) [set unit property for (enemy), HP to 120%]] etc

    I know that you can change unit stats on the fly using catalogs, but I haven't implemented myself yet, so I couldn't tell you how just yet.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Issue Publishing

    @Wilsco: Go

    I had this happen to me once (or something similar), where my map failed to upload with an error code "unknown[112]". I found that just restarting my computer was enough to fix the problem though, maybe that will work for you?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on A map under the sea

    That's awesome, you've done a really good job with that! I can't wait to have a look your example map :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Zerg Swarm

    @Melas: Go

    Hi Melas

    Have you worked on any large scale projects using the editor before? Do you have any work that you can show us? I'm afraid it's a little difficult to commit oneself to such an involved project without a bit more detail on what the theme of the maps, story, etc. and proof that the project can be / will be completed :)

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on [Proof of concept] Make random dungeons using tile pieces

    I'd thought about the path blockers, but I'd forgotten about LoS blockers to be honest. Something I must investigate.

    @Mienk: Go

    Ahh, I suspected that I'd need to edit the units in the data editor. While its no problem to do a handful of doodad modeled units, to do a vast library to create nice artistic pieces would require a lot of work to implement. Teleporting units to new section pieces would be much more practical, but in terms of aesthetics and game flow I not so sure. Too large a tile piece and the setup may seem rather repetitive, too small and the map may seem too disjointed. You would need to turn the mini-map as well (if you don't want to break the illusion that you are exploring a cohesive random dungeon) but the player in term might easily become lost :P But it's an idea definitely worth considering.

    This has all given me quite a lot to think about, I'll try to explore the possibilities and post my results. But keep the comments rolling! :)

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on [Proof of concept] Make random dungeons using tile pieces

    @KineMorto: Go

    That sounds pretty awesome, and quite possibly how I'd like spawn the dungeon mobs. I'll send a pm when / if I manage get the dungeon system working to my satisfaction. :)

    @s3rius: Go

    I'm afraid this is right at the first stage of development. But since I can get terrain in a region to be duplicated to a target point, it shouldn't be too hard to spawn the whole dungeon. I plan to use a randomisation function to select a tile piece from a list, then go to the corresponding region and copy the doodads to the selected reference point on the game play area then rinse, repeat. As a space saver, I could even have the set pieces on the game play area, copy the details to arrays, then clear the dungeon area before making the dungeon. I also have some ideas to prevent the tiles accidentally being placed on one another which I want to explore.

    @Mienk: Go

    (And for s3rius as well) The triggers that I've been using thus far include getting the x, y coordinates of unit positions, unit types, create units at certain points etc. But the only strictly doodad triggers I've found pretty much just amount to animating them, or removing them. But Mienk, what is this technique that you speak of? Can I use triggers to automatically do it for, say, any and all doodads in a region? Or is it something that has to be manually done in the data editor for each doodad that is used? Tell me more! :D

    Thanks everyone for your comments thus far!

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Diablo type attack/movement system

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    I was fiddling with a similar movement system and bumped into the exact same problem. Unfortunately there isn't any way currently to get the game to respond to the mouse position (though one guy found a way round this, by setting his mouse to the center of the screen and basing the triggers off the camera. Unfortunately we can't do something similar if we want to set the camera to follow our hero).

    I did manage to get a prototype working for generating a dungeon using preset tiles like Diablo does (see http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/galaxy-scripting-and-trigger-lib/10022-proof-of-concept-make-random-dungeons-using-tile-pieces/) but again, the triggers have me stumped because they only work for units and not doodads or terrain.

    There might be a way to script something to add the functionality we want, but I'm not that far advanced to be able to try it / tell if it would work :P If anyone does know how to script new functions and maybe knows some good tutorials, hit me up! :D

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on [Proof of concept] Make random dungeons using tile pieces

    Hi everyone.

    I was reading through some of the forum posts today, and saw this link (http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/project-workplace/2407-helrals-random-dungeon-map/) about Helral's random dungeon maps. Inspired by this, and feeling a little nostalgic for Diablo II, I've been toying round with the idea of making dungeons with random setups, but using the preset designed and detailed tile pieces instead a true random generator.

    After a little bit of work, I've got a prototype up and running, though it's using units as doodad placeholders atm (more on that later on). As you can see in the first pic, our intrepid hero is in a corridor of the dungeon: Corridor

    In the second photo, we can see one of the loving crafted dungeon tiles. Preset room

    Using triggers, I record the positions of units making up the room (using the supply depot as a reference), then duplicate the units at the end of the corridor, as we can see in game. In game

    Now to the crux of the matter. While the triggers work perfectly well with units, the doodads which will eventually be used to make the tile pieces don't seem to have same trigger versitility. One work around could be to set the actor of a duplicated unit to a doodad model, but this would be very laborious and time consuming (in order to make artistic pieces). A second option would be to create doodad models at the location of preset units and then remove the units using triggers, but again this isn't ideal for similar reasons to the first.

    I'm hopeful that there is a way to script functions which will be able to interact with doodads in a similar manner to the triggers already in the system, but I haven't the faintest of ideas of where to start. Any comments on this prototype, and any tips or tutorials that you guys might be able to suggest to me, would be very greatly appreciated.


    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on regions question (please help)

    @zeldarules28: Go

    No probs, glad it was of some use to you ;)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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