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    posted a message on Platformer?

    Hi! I´m the kind of guy that comes up with lots and lots of ideas, often without considering if they even are doable, and fail at executing them. I used the WC3 editor alot, but i´ve been struggling to adapt to the magnitude of the Galaxy editor. Therefore i thought i´d settle into the editor by completing one of my cooler concepts.

    So, we´ve seen the "lost viking" game in the hyperion cafeteria, and it stands as a testament to the radical things the SC2 engine can achieve. So it got me thinking, could the engine be coaxed into some sort of 2.5 d sidescrolling platformer? Just making the engine to start with would be cool, an engine like that has alot of potential to evolve into sidescrolling MP deathmatch shooters and whatnot.

    I´m probably in way over my head again, but do you think this is doable? If so, i am going to need alot of help.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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