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    posted a message on Enabling cloaked clickable units


    That's not a bad idea. I'll see what I can do.

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    posted a message on Enabling cloaked clickable units


    I'm trying to use the "Unit clicked" trigger event, but cloaking prevents the event from firing even when the unit has the "cannot be clicked" flag unchecked.

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    posted a message on Enabling cloaked clickable units


    The only flag options I saw were "Behavior - Buff Flags" and "Stats - Flags" and there were no clickable or selectable options within them.

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    posted a message on Enabling cloaked clickable units

    I'm making an TPS where one unit has the ability to be cloaked. I would still want this unit to be clickable while cloaked, but I'm unable to find the modifier for cloaking in general or any flags on behaviors to make this possible. Any help would be appreciated.

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    posted a message on Unit Click Priority?


    Actually I just solved the issue. The unit MUST also be targetable, else unchecking "cannot be clicked" is useless.

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    posted a message on Unit Click Priority?

    Here's my issue. While clicking on an SCV unit given the Agria Tree model via its actor, everything works as it should and the SCV/Tree responds as being clicked. Now when there's a Zergling behind that Tree unit, and the SCV/Tree is clicked, the zergling responds as being clicked. How can I set it so that the unit closest to the player camera is always clicked?

    NOTE: This is via the unit was clicked event. I really think the issue is somewhere in the data editor and I hope someone knows the answer.
    Here's how the issue is set up:
    First of all, I have a trigger that tells me what unit is being clicked on by the player (via unit was clicked event).
    Second, I copied an SCV and it's actor. Then changed the copied units actor to an Agria Tree.
    Third, I placed down some zerglings around the tree. I made the Tree and Zergling units clickable via unchecking the "cannot be clicked" flag in data editor.
    Lastly the player has a third person camera following (set via trigger of course) a unit that cannot be targeted (set via the data editor).
    Try clicking on the Tree unit with and without a zergling behind it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Camera following flying unit

    I'm having the camera follow a wraith around the map, but while looking around (with the mouse camera rotation on) the camera distance is really messed up. For instance the camera is almost constantly in front of the unit instead of right behind it. Looking up or down puts the wraith in view. Has anyone else had this issue?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Solved Battle.net SC2 map errors, no errors via editor test

    SOLVED. The issue is from an extra click before the unit dies, providing a null unit being entered into a trigger with the event Unit Clicked. Bnet issue being lag.

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    posted a message on Solved Battle.net SC2 map errors, no errors via editor test

    @Nerfpl: Go Here's the automactially generated code from the editor of the trigger/action definition that creates an error on Bnet. I should also mention that I tried to find the game log for todays test and it doesn't exist (first time launching SC2 today as well).

    Either lp_pointClicked or lp_unitTargeted woud be populated while the other remains null.

    The gv_playerCharacter variable will always be populated by a marine on the map, assume he never dies.

    EDIT: Code Removed

    An error message exists whenever the trigger is fired. I don't know why, but the error ONLY shows up when playing on Bnet.

    EDIT 2: NVM, problem still not solved. Still looking into it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Solved Battle.net SC2 map errors, no errors via editor test

    I'm getting error messages from my triggers only when I play on battle.net. When I test the map via the editor in debug mode the error never shows up. It's a simple kill/lower the health of a unit trigger with an if statement. Is there a way to show entire in-game error messages instead of the clipping at the name of the trigger?

    EDIT: The error states player group has an invalid player.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Two triggers. One needs to prevent the other from firing.

    Quote from b0ne123:

    one global booleans variableand the two triggers checking it in the condition.
     the frist trigger runs only if it is true the other only if it is false.
     and the first action is changing the boolean

    I tested that and it didn't work. Only thing that seems acceptible is a wait with 0.0 seconds, but I'd still rather avoid using a wait.

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    posted a message on Two triggers. One needs to prevent the other from firing.

    First off I have two triggers. Here they are:

    Events for trigger 1
         UI - Player Any Player clicks Left mouse button Down.
         //This trigger fires every time the left mouse button is clicked (even if I test for 'mouse clicked world point != no point')

    Events for trigger 2
         Unit Selection - Any Unit is clicked by Player Any Player
         //I want this trigger to prevent the first one from firing if it does

    I'm looking for anything that would work that does not use 'waits' at the start of either trigger. I've also tried to combine the two events in one trigger, but it acts as two separate triggers regardless in the same instance.

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    posted a message on Trigger fires more than once

    @Jentzsch: Go

    OMG thank you soo much lol. I can't believe I overlooked that. Thanks man!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger fires more than once

    I'm looking to solve the issue where a trigger will be fired more than once for a single event (that has no duplicates).

    I've tried using a boolean and a timer, a timer and another trigger with timer expired, a boolean that is never reset, and turning the trigger off without it coming back on at all. All times I've tested the trigger fires more than once (however in debug mode the trigger only shows up once). If anyone has any information on this glitch I'd really like to know.

    This project page goes over the issue and offers up some grounds for testing: http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/ds-movement-test/

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Freeze Camera

    @TacoManStan: Go

    I could combine the triggers for sure with the use of a few more variables, but I'm testing concept atm so optimization isn't a concern until there's a proof. The camera turns much more smoothly with deceleration set to 100%. I have tried setting it to 0%, but the ways I tested to stop the camera in place didn't make a difference. I may end up just taking out the holding of the button for continued scrolling as that would eliminate the need for the other triggers, create less lag in the process, and prevent the problem I'm inquiring about. However I'm still open for a way to lock the camera in place in the middle of applying another camera without rocking the camera a bit.

    Lastly I couldn't find a trigger event that would prevent a player camera from going under the terrain. I was thinking that this direction in camera movement was more sound anyway as mentioned in my video.

    Posted in: Triggers
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