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    posted a message on bug ghost missiles


    It is not supposed to reach the target point .. .it is supposed to fly into the direction impact on any valid target on the way or just die just before it reaches the target.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on bug ghost missiles


    I dont think the mover is the problem ... thats the only thing that actually works: moving towards target.
    Problem is that the impact detection & eol timer dont work.

    But if you really think the mover produces the problem: please be a bit more specific.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on bug ghost missiles

    On my Moonlords map most heroes have a point-target missile attack.
    I changed many skills to data and now it sometimes happens that one of the missiles doesnt impact but instead travels to the target point and then just circles that point for ~30 seconds before it despawns.(to be precise: hero position offset by range towards target point direction not target point)

    I cant figure out what causes this (no reliable way to reproduce) and it seems like it doesnt happen to all hero skills with the same % chance.
    Fireball seems to fail most often at a ~3% chance.

    My temporary fix idea includes adding a timed buff to the missiles that will self-destruct them but the missiles will still not hit anything making the spell weaker than intended.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on LearnToPlay

    new version is up and running.
    Now its possible to pick one of the scripts instead of just playing vs random script.

    Does the new selection thingy work?
    Any other comments?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on LearnToPlay

    If you always wanted to learn how to spot & defend cheesy rush builds go and play this map.
    Up to 4 players & 6 spectators.
    Tracks personal & total best scores vs each build for each race.

    published on eu bnet (as LearnToPlay with PoC) and added to sc2mapster database (http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/learntoplay/)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Competitive map idea


    Play moonlords - its a coop hero map that uses your playtime to unlock more hero options and buffs


    sounds like a lot of work for a maybe project
    good luck with getting players to sit through char generation / wait for others.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on If I make a map........

    1. create a reasonably polished game/map
    2. publish it and inflate the popularity rating by a massive ad campaign or cheating
    3. Hope that the game is fun enough to make the players gained by 2. want to replay it over and over again to stay at page 1-2
    If the popularity drops below page 2 your map is gone.

    replayability allows your map to sustain a high enough rating to attract new players when you no longer advertise

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Need help with creating trigger that can't be explained in the title


    nope havent played it but:

    1. simple: write original x&y into the custom value for the unit(tower is a unit) on creation
    2. at the end of the round(or whatever condition you wish for): loop through all tower units on the map and move them to the coordinates saved in the units custom value

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Pathing issue on new map


    The pathfinder will just cancel after a certain distance and report back: no valid path found and then the units will just walk in the diretion towards the target and get stuck in front of any wall/big object ...
    You could add a trigger that redirects units along the S path when the target is too far away but that might feel weird for a melee map...

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Is there a way to make a custom map of a replay that you have in order to be able to watch it with your friends on bnet?

    I tried to do just that: turn any given replay into multiplayer replay-map.

    Problem is: I couldnt figure out how to set the random seed to the same value as in the replay.

    Only solution I had: Play the game on a special map that sets the random seed to a random value (and saves this seed number) at map init.
    It would be nice if special tournament maps would do just that ... it wouldnt interfere with the game but would allow for multiplayer replay-maps of good games.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Behaviors

    Well there is something really weird going on on my Moonlords map.

    Result: a buffstack that should leech life&shields is deactivated and later removed - removing the leech twice resulting in permanent negative leeching.

    Insane or hard difficulty (normal&easy apply a buff that somehow blocks the bug (I added new buffs that dont do anything but block this bug for insane&hard in the latest version so use an old version if you want to recreate the bug or remove the line that applies the buff (pick hero trigger)))
    reward +dmg buff (It didnt work without this)
    +maybe other reward buffs(unknown - just use the debug command to get some buffs if +dmg isnt the only requirement)
    at least 1 visible buff from the lightning shield

    activate power drain, get attacked to trigger the shield -> power drain buff-stack is now deactivated and once its removed you will notice the negative leeching...

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Spawned mobs does not take the correct way to me

    The units "shortcut" into the wall because the valid path is too long. Pathfinding function surrenders and returns (65535 - no path) after an approximate pathingcost of ~300.
    One solution is to add waypoints along the way and que the move/attack commands.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Multiplayer Replays

    Yay patch 1.3
    some test runs reveal:

    Random Seed is saved in replay.initData - 4bytes

    1. setting the seed value at map init is too late.
    Maybe this can be fixed by setting the seed value before the init trigger in the script.galaxy ? How&Where does the editor test set the seed value? (this seed value is set at the correct time and saved in the replay!)  
    2. random seed is not saved as a normal integer ...
    seed 0 saves as: 21 44 DF 1C
    seed 1 saves as: 99 F8 B8 79
    seed 2 saves as: 8B 4D 17 97

    1. Might break the idea 2 will just take time...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on EagleAI Custom AI maps

       1. What 1v1 league are you currently occupying? (if you don't agree with your current league, tell me which league you should be in) - gold+
       2. How many games did you play against the AI and on what difficulty? (remember the AI does NOT cheat on Insane) - 2 insane
       3. Were you challenged by the AI? not really
       4. Do you consider this AI to be an improvement over the AI that comes with the game? Cant tell after this one match sorry.
       5. If you answered no to one of the two questions above, would you say this AI has the potential to become better? YES
       6. Would you consider the AI to play more like a human instead of a computer? (especially noticeable on lower difficulties) no
       7. Did you enjoy the match(es)? yes

    Played Zerg vs Protoss, fast expand & some zerglings
    AI defended at first and went 3 gate+robo + expansion
    AI reacted to my Zerglings but then decided to attack rocks at high yield while my Zerglings demolished its expansion. It reacted by sending in more probes (reminded me of futurama: SEND IN MORE TRAINS lol) well and then it offered gg.

    1. dont send in more probes to average out probes between bases if one is under attack
    2. maybe scout around your base/expansion while attacking rocks so you can defend

    edit: match 2:
    This time I went 1 base fast mutalisks ai probe scouted and then stopped that for no reason?
    AI went 1 base dark templar and attacked once at ~7 minutes (so right when the mutalisks popped out) with 3 stalkers 4 zealots - after seeing the mutalisks it attempted to retreat with the army (maybe split the army against faster units so at least some survive or just suicide attack with some units)

    Once I reached the base AI warped in some stalkers but decided not to react to the mutalisks above the probes in any way. Had to kill all remaining zealots/dark templar to get a gg this time...

    1. Dont stop scouting while its still possible - didnt even build a queen until t2.
    2. Retreat can be improved
    3. Defend probes, counter attack or gg but never just afk for 5 minutes - well this actually looks human ... if you want this maybe hide some buildings / lift off as terran =]

    Posted in: Map Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Set Random Seed - Broken

    Its not just for the galaxy code its for the whole match thats why fights have the same result -> thats why replays work.

    I'm looking for the save location of the random seed in replays because with that information it should be possible to turn replays into multiplayer maps so you can watch replays with your friends like in sc1.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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