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    posted a message on Please Assist me with triggers (Unit spawn item)

    I need help with a periodic event trigger. I am trying to make a plants Vs. Zombies 4 player game and I want to make it so a spire (sunflower lol) spawns a natural gas every so often. But I want the scv (Gardener) to be able to create said spires so I don't want a limit to how many spires can be made. I am not good at vague answers. I will need specific trigger setups. Can anyone help? Would greatly appreciate it!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating Good Water Effects?

    One thing that is crucial is first setting the lighting of your map. Go to the Data Editor and the Lights Field. Find the world set you are working through and mess with the lighting until you have what you want. Hell, even create a day and night sequence to paint a prettier picture. Water compliments it's surroundings and environment. Use the terrain tool to set your lake or river to the depth and shape you want. Use doodads to create the right sort of atmosphere. Search for roots, brambles or whatever you want to add to make it look nicer. It helps to paint darker textures around where the water meets to give it the effect of wet dirt. You can mess around with speculation and other things but if you are not sure of what each field does I suggest backing up your map or doing a test map. It might be better to just back it up so you can test it with the lighting you chose. Subscribe to this guy, He is not only a great and friendly person but he has helped me in many ways via data editor.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Help me set up Experience Sharing

    ugh nevermind... go ahead and delete this post i found what i was searching for...


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Help me set up Experience Sharing

    I have a map I am working on where your probe uses cannons to assassinate other probes. I need to know how to make it so when other units, like photon cannons and such, will give the experience to the probe instead.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on black and white comic book feel but with red blood?

    is this possible? I know you can edit it so that it is completely black and white but can you make it black and white but the blood stays red?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Simple but Fail. 2 line trigger not working for some reason

    @coronbale: Go

    your avatar picture is perfect for your last response. haw! ;P

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Problems with working Triggers no longer working

    @Adbo103: Go

    gotta be more specific so we can pinpoint what is wrong. We will need to see the trigger layouts and tell us what units you are trying to spawn, etc.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How do I delete minimap.tga file?

    okay i found an mpq editor thanks to Alcoholix and deleted the mpq but it did nothing. Oh well, guess it is just another bug that needs fixing.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on New Map Idea, Gimme your thoughts on it please

    Probe Assassin:

    12 Player free for all chaos

    Each player starts with 1 cloaked probe and a tiny barracks in their own base protected by photon cannons that are detectors.

    Ninja Probes can create special tiny cloaked photon cannons instantly for no cost that have low damage to start and 5 seconds of timed life so players cannot turtle. Ninja Probes can make pylons which are named "Decoy" and they have a high attack priority. Ninja Probes can make spider mines (named exploding caltrops) for the cost of minerals. Probes can build for a heavy amount of minerals an advanced decoy which is a nexus that is set to a height so you can place cannons under the nexus and the nexus has a higher attack priority. I might create more probe abilities depending on thoughts.

    The barracks allow you to upgrade the timed life and damage of cannons for a price. They also allow you to purchase "bodyguards" for a heavy price. Probes give 10 minerals per kill. Your goal is to destroy all the enemy barracks to win. I want to add more research abilities, maybe some upgrades for bodyguards or some leveling up for them. Might include a shop system via barracks. Your probe gets revived almost instantly when it dies.

    Tell me what you guys think about this idea. Anyone willing to collab with me on it? I have already done a lot of work with it. If you guys are interested I can post some images of it soon.

    edit: I forgot to mention the probes can also create sensor towers for like 5 minerals. They only have a few hitpoints though.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How do I delete minimap.tga file?

    My minimap is completely black and I heard that if you delete the minimap.tga file associated with the map and save it will replace it with a new one. I cannot find a way to delete it. I went to data editor and found game UI section in the gameplay data. I found a particular field where you can search the archives and it shows the minimap.tga file associated with my map but the only thing i can do is copy it or export it.. there is no way to delete it. I cannot find any folders associated with my editor either.. like assets and textures.. where the hell are they?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Black Terrain in the Minimap

    I am having the same issue and I cannot find a way to delete the minimap.tga file. I went to the data editor and clicked on the game UI. I searched on the right side for minimap and then double clicked on a field that allowed me to browse. I found minimap.tga but it just lets me export it. I cannot press the delete button and have it do anything. I can't find a way to find it in my starcraft folder either.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terrain Texture Set Issues, GRRR!

    screw it.. started a new map and copy pasted whatever I could.. good thing I was not too far in.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terrain Texture Set Issues, GRRR!


    I deleted all of my custom textures and texture sets, Set Aiur back to default and then this is what happens.. This editor is ridiculous at times.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terrain Texture Set Issues, GRRR!

    bump, please someone help me. only being able to use a few textures on a map is not okay.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terrain Texture Set Issues, GRRR!

    I followed the instructions on how to import and add custom textures to a map. I followed the instructions for the first texture upload which worked well.

    First Screenshot

    Second Screenshot

    For some reason even if i change all of those "Ice unkown" to an existing texture it will not paint JACK. I am getting so damn angry I want to throw my computer. Please help me.

    Posted in: Terrain
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