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    posted a message on Getting turret to face target while casting
    Quote from BumpInTheNight: Go

    @frozenfire2: Go

    Unfortunately you face a dilemma as you're right when you issue an order it cancels everything else going on so constantly doing an attack order on invisible units makes everything else very 'laggy' feeling. So the trick...think about how the diamondback's weapon works ;) I've got a working method that I just managed to get functional as of yesterday and eventually I'll release the content just right now much like everything else in it the code is quite ugly and undesirable to show to people. Here's a short demo clip, you'll notice my turret still follows the wrong dummy once or twice and that among other things (like those unrelated errors on the side) are stuff I still have to work out before considering it a complete system worthy of sharing:

    To be more specific I'm relying on my units have dummy weapons with a gigantic range and a very specific scan-set of targets they're looking for (the invisible floating dummies that you can't see but are present) and so the weapons will be constantly firing at them (doing nothing, the effect is empty) and this drastically minimizes how often I have to send an attack order through to force them to target the right dummy (in the case of only one in play who cares, but when you have many of them in close quarters like this the weapons can get confused). There is only one dummy per actual unit and these dummies react to situations like clicks to teleport to that location or by default they quickly move over the battle field to try and be about 8 squares in front of the facing of their unit. So, keep the turrets constantly aiming at their specific dummy...and you get the illusion of proper turret activities for your abilities :)

    thanks a lot for the long explanations. There is a few issues with this method however that I foresee.

    1) The planetary fortress will still have its normal attack, plus the planetary fortress normally have their cannons spinning around when idling 2) How do you set a "set of targets that they'll b looking for" . If that's the way then wouldn't any unit of the same type would get confuse by their collective 'dummies'. for example having more than one unit of the same type. Wouldn't they be simply aiming at a buffet of those 'special dummies' . 3) I've managed to get the weapon to continuosly fire during casting but still no way to aim them.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on some weapon issues

    @38dedo: Go

    no I did a full duplication while checking all the boxes. Sohuldn't that duplicate everything. I think it's 7 objects in total. I didn't use copy I use duplicate. Shouldn't it duplicate everything.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Getting turret to face target while casting

    @tigerija: Go

    but when the unit is casting an ability how does the unit attack?

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    posted a message on Getting turret to face target while casting

    I've been trying to do this, but can't seem to get it done correctly.

    I made my planetary fortress being able to fire 330mm cannon from campaign. However there are a few issues

    1) Building cannot rotate and by just adding the ability, the ability can only be cast on a certain angle ( i assume this is the building facing position ). So i changed the arc to 360.

    Now it's castable but the problem is, I can't get the turret to face the position where it's casting, i manage to get it to loop the attack anims while spells is being casted, but the turret refuse to face the location. Any idea how to fix this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on some weapon issues

    I tried to duplicated the stone zealot eye beam and colossus eye beam. I did a full duplication starting from the weapon . I set a bcruiser to use this weapon, nothing happened. The weapon completely disappeared, only the dmg is done, but no effects at all. nil. Any idea why this is happening? I can't manage to pinpoint anything because if I set the bcruiser's weapon directly to the original stone zealot beam weapon, it works. So this confirms that the changes work right up to the weapon object. So why does full duplication of weapon does not work?

    Another issue that I have been cracking my head on is this. If I give an air unit interceptor's beam as weapon. Apparently they will move around while they are firing . It's weird, i check all object links and can't pinpoint the source of this behavior.. any clue?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Cant publish my map any more

    @vxcriss: Go

    I have just checked this out as well. You're right on. it's the race.

    But I"m very sure I've published my map before WITH race settings. It definitely had to do with combination of factors. Just to check with you. In your map player properties, what is your settings. does it match the variant?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on publish trouble

    I find this whole publishing thing annoying too and I had the same issue.

    several things can cause them to intermittenly work or fail

    in my case deleting the cache entirely from c:\ProgramData\BlizzardEntertainment/BattleNet sometimes make it work.

    Weird thing about game variant is. Even if you completely remove it. sometimes it still doesn't work. plus I don't have any custom race. It's just that i'm using campaign's dependencies. I wonder if that causes trouble.

    If anyone have a confirmed solution to this publishing thing let me know.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Weird Building Construction problem.

    Been stuck on this issue for a long time, is there a bug here or I did something wrong

    I tried to make my Scv able to build Hive Mind Emulator(straight from the campaign ). I managed to make a few custom buildings/units , normally they work but this one just won't work..

    Edited the Ability of SCV - BUILD to add Hive Emulator . Here's the weird thing, in the Build - Info . If I set the "Info-Button-State" to Suppressed the button just disappear from the command card together no matter what requirements I put. If I change Suppressed to Available, it will work , but I need some requirements so I'm going to need it to stay in Suppressed.

    However, if I switch the unit type in "Info - Unit" to something else. such as Engineering Bay /Barracks, etc it actually works. Which leads me to believe the error is in the Unit itself( not the info-button/ability), I am totally unaware of anything that causes a building to be refused to appear on command card altogether. Anybody have any idea about this?

    to re-create the above problem in a simplest step . do this

    goto SCV- Build ability. Double Click on Build 04 Barracks on the Ability commands. Change the "Info - Unit" to Hive Mind Emulator. Start the game and you'll notice that the Barracks has disappeared from the SCV build command card.

    now if you goto the Info- Button screen in the Build 04 Barracks Ability command again, if you change Info-Button-State to available , it will now appear.

    In short, it seems that something in the Unit Data of Hive Mind Emulator is preventing it from appearing as a building in the command card. Or preventing it from being built at all. I've no idea what it is.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Writing code in pure Galaxy

    @anteevy: Go

    I can assure you. It it's not deleted. It's just hidden when you rename it . Reason is 'most likely' this, all maps are archive, they contain a bunch of file, MapScript.galaxy being one of it. Every map has a MapScript.galaxy. They do not show in the import but they're 'archieved' in your map. So when you rename it, the editor thought "oh this is the default MapScript.galaxy, I shouldn't show it in the import , lest I confuse the user" so it hides them. This is true in Warcraft3 Editor , but I'm pretty sure it applies here as well.

    I tried this method, It does work.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on AI waves aren't working?

    @Cobrafanglol: Go

    you need to get them to train the units.

    bear in mind that stock units also don't work for some reason. They probably require some 'hidden' procedures to get it to work. I've been doing something similar to yours as well. i find a big chunk of stuffs in Galaxy Editor doesn't really work for no apparent reason. It's there but just won't work. I'm pretty sure a lot of triggers/functions are either obsolete, reciprocated, or manual way to do things.

    The method i'm using now is just to get the AI to train units

    AI Advanced - Train 40 units of type Zergling in player 7's town -1 with priority 0

    in fact the "AI - Add (4 / 4 /4 / 4) Roach to the attack wave " trigger that we're using is weird enough; it didn't mention WHICH WAVE, for WHICH PLAYER .

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Requirement Tooltip ( for restricted units )

    @frozenfire2: Go

    nvm got this fixed.

    if anyone is wondering , goto the data type Requirement Node. change tooltip from tthere

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Requirement Tooltip ( for restricted units )

    Hi ,

    I made a hero unit with a requirement that only one of that type can exist. I create a new requirement that checks for unit type Queued or Better. It works, but the problem is when unit production is restricted it shows:

    Require: Command Centre.

    anyone know where do I adjust for disabled tooltip as such?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Why is my weapon like this?

    spent the whole evening trying to make spore cannon(the campaign one ) fire-able on the air units. I've got a few questions :

    1) why does some value just won't work ( e.g Launch Offset, under Effects/Target wouldn't work. Arc and Arc Slop under Weapons/Stats just wouldn't work )

    2) I finally used a duplicated mover from Larvae Launch Missile to give arc to my weapon. But I've got an issue: how to I make it arc higher? Setting Throw velocity from 0,0,5 to 0,0,50 just don't do anything

    3) There's something very weird going on with the tower at the moment, when the tower fire the Missile, it doens't show the attack animation, but the attack animation will only fire when the missile HIT the target. Any idea?

    I'm currently using Spore Cannon as the tower. For the weapon it's duplicated from Spore Crawler, so is the missile effect and damage effect . The mover is duplicated from Larvae Launch Missile. The Projectile Actor is a missile template created from Baneling's data. While project unit is duplicated from Spore Crawler's projectile.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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