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    posted a message on Surprise! I have a problem with my trigger!

    I could but it sounds like a more complicated way of doing things. I was sure an array could do what I'm originally intending.

    I might end up doing it the old fashioned way of just placing each player's building manually next to each other in a grid like fashion, this is not desired by myself because my map is already kinda cramped as it is. :(

    EDIT: I've since then just did the 'traditional way', I guess all I can do is ask Blizzard to implement a 'hide from player or player group' trigger.

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    posted a message on Surprise! I have a problem with my trigger!

    Thanks s3rius, I was wondering what that button did.

    Well, my intention is to save space by having several buildings in a single space shown to only the owning player. That's my main intention. And if that's impossible I would love for a great alternative.

    I do not want 1 player to choose an upgrade and the whole team gets the upgrade Ruzial. I want players to choose their own upgrades as they progress through the mission. It is a co-op map. Just so we're clear here.

    EDIT: Actually, can everyone upgrade from a single building without having upgrades of one player affecting another (i.e. Player 1 gets cloak, no one else gets it until they decide to do the same)

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    posted a message on Surprise! I have a problem with my trigger!

    Hi SC2Mapster, long time lurker and Melee map maker here.

    I'm making my first non-melee map and needless to say I'm using triggers. I've been trying to solve this problem for about a week now and while it hasn't halted development of my map it has made it rather annoying to play in the beginning. You see my trigger, which I will post below, is designed to show a last created unit to only the owner of that unit. I have the unit for each player spawn in the exact same location, have all units last created flagged with the hidden attribute and then revealed for the picked player who is flagged as owned as that unit. Now when my testers and I play the map, all buildings will spawn in the right location on top of each other, but all players can see all spawned structures and then the structures proceed to go color rainbow happy with z-fighting polygons and what not. The trigger I've made is below:

    Player Base Spawn
        Local Variables
            Player Group - Pick each player in ShadowOps and do (Actions)
                    Unit - Create 1 Shadow Academy for player (Picked player) at SAcademyLoc using default facing (Ignore Placement)
                    Unit - Turn (Last created unit) Hidden state On
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Owner of (Last created unit)) == (Picked player)
                            Unit - Turn (Last created unit) Hidden state Off
                            Unit - Turn (Last created unit) Hidden state On
            Player Group - Pick each player in ShadowOps and do (Actions)
                    Unit - Create 1 Shadow Compound for player (Picked player) at SCompoundLoc using default facing (Ignore Placement)
                    Unit - Turn (Last created unit) Hidden state On
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Owner of (Last created unit)) == (Picked player)
                            Unit - Turn (Last created unit) Hidden state Off
                            Unit - Turn (Last created unit) Hidden state On

    I've run into a huge wall and any help in getting it where players can only see their own structures will be much appreciated.

    Posted in: Triggers
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