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    posted a message on How to make a unit spin in circles?

    @ST4RKiLL3R: Go

    Actually, I found adding a turret to the unit's weapon will produce this sort of effect (though it will only turn the weapons, if the unit has separate weapons and body). Go to your unit, double-click on weapons+ (or combat - weapons+, or combat - weapons - turret) and add one of them on - Auto-turret is a good one to make them constantly spin.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Targeted abilities/effects using behaviors?

    I'm probably going about this the wrong way, so I'll just describe the whole problem. I have a transport which I would like to, when it unloads a unit, immediately & automatically begin using one of its abilities on it. The transport ability has an option to apply behaviors to the cargo or transport when unloading, so I thought that might help, just not sure how.

    Honestly though, if there IS a way to make linked behaviors or something like that, that would probably help with other issues I've been having.... Eh, whatever.

    Posted in: Data
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