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    posted a message on (solved) units not showing up under unit tab in replays

    im having a weird problem with predators (the robo-cats from WoL campaign) in my mod

    they work just fine, but they never show up as units in replays - neither when they are under production, nor when they are active units

    i looked through the unit field values, and copied the flags from a working unit, but cant seem to find whats missing

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Button question (requirement shown inconsistency)

    @NazaraSC2: Go

    hey nazara, how is your mod going :)

    the "requires XYZ research at ASDF" tooltip is NOT automatically created by the game. you have to manually enter it as a tooltip in the requirements, which is a pain in the ass, since you have to change the tooltip text every time your tech tree changes. happened a lot to me in heptacraft, and im very glad i waited a long time before doing any tooltips :)

    if you do not manually enter any tooltip, the requirement will just show "requires [name of unit or upgrade]", which seems to be your problem. what you want is something like this:


    if this doesnt fix it and its really just one of those horribly annoying button bugs, you could try this really crude workaround that i used in my mod to get rid of a bug that stopped some buttons from displaying cost.

    just make another button on top of the broken one in the command card, assign any button, put it as passive, and put in a requirement that hides it


    this did the trick for me, seems like only the topmost button was affected by that bug, good luck with it :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on realistic line of sight triggers

    my mod HeptaCraft used to have dynamic line of sight for units

    unfortunately, it started to slow game performance down a lot once there were more than 50 units on the map, thats why i decided to remove it again. also, while the idea was cool, it didnt see much usage in actual tactics.

    it would be much more suited for rpg style maps i though, so i just wanted to share the triggers in case anyone wants to use them

    i had two different line of sight triggers in place:

    - one for air units, that just shifts a circular reveal area towards the direction the unit is facing (not good for ground units since it allows them to see up cliffs)

    - one for ground units, that creates a series of small reveal areas travelling outwards from the unit in the direction it is facing until it hits a cliff, creating a cone-like vision

    however, both systems need units that actually turn in the direction they are moving, it does not work for units that cant turn, (dragoons, science vessels, disruptors, etc), i excluded these units from line of sight in my map by giving them a "robotic" attribute

    air unit line of sight: http://www.heptacraft.com/info/losair.png

    ground unit line of sight: http://www.heptacraft.com/info/losground.png if you have any questions that do not get answered in the thread, just shoot me a PM since i might not be checking this forum :o

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on extension mod HeptaCraft now released

    btw if any other mapster wants to use this ladder system im glad to share it, but its kinda awkward tbh

    hoping to make it in php or something if i get someone who can do that

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on extension mod HeptaCraft now released


    HeptaCraft is an extension mod for SC2:LotV, featuring a whooping seven playable factions, ranging from old-school BW-like factions to completely new ones with fresh ideas. The gameplay is more like BW than StarCraft 2, with longer, more positional battles.

    HeptaCraft is playable on any melee map. More information can be found at http://www.heptacraft.com

    If you are interested in trying a cool new fun alternative, look for other players in discord channel #heptacraft: https://discordapp.com/channels/162137375051481089

    or on b.net channel "HeptaCraft"

    Release trailer:

    Factions explained with video tutorials


    Defensive Terran. Sluggish. Tough. Tenacious.


    Video tutorial:


    Classic Terran. Slow. Crafty. Resourceful.


    Video tutorial:


    Traditional Protoss. Inflexible. Robust. Powerful.


    Video tutorial:


    Sneaky Protoss. Delicate. Mobile. Precise.


    Video tutorial:


    Swarmy Zerg. Weak. Fast. Flexible.


    Video tutorial:


    Funky Zerg. Tricky. Cheap. Persistent.


    Video tutorial:


    Fusion style. Frail. Quick. Adaptable.

    Video tutorial: http://www.heptacraft.com/heptacraft/covenant.png

    Video tutorial:

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on do action only for specific players when timer expires

    @willuwontu: Go

    thx a ton, going to rebuild my triggers using arrays

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on do action only for specific players when timer expires

    for my mod i made an optional tutorial that players can activate or deactivate

    the general tutorial displays tips in regular intervals, when a timer runs out

    of course i only want the tips to be shown to players who did enable the tutorial

    seems simple and straightforward enough, yet i fail to create a system that works

    right now im using this:


    from my understanding, this should only show the tips to users that have the TutorialGeneralEnabled variable set to True, yet apparently it still displays it to all users.

    what makes problems like this worse is that afaik there is no way to test for them alone, you always need someones help :(

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on (kinda solved) cannot get addons to work properly with copied buildings

    some new info:

    the problem seems to be linked with the lift off and land abilities. if i use the non-duplicated lift off / land abilities on my duplicated unit, it works just fine, even with the duplicated "build addon" ability

    the "morph ability" field in the duplicated "build addon" ability is set to the new lift off / land ability, so i still dont know what is missing in my duplicated lift off / land abilities, but the problem seems to be in them

    edit: its actually just the land ability

    if i add the original "land" ability (BarracksLand) to my Barracks2 unit, it will lift off, land, and build the addon

    of course the unit will be changed to the original Barracks upon landing. It works even if i change to morph unit of the land ability to my Barracks2, but then the original Barracks cannot land without being changed into Barracks2...

    edit2: i kinda solved it just now, even though it makes no sense

    im now using the original BarracksLand ability on my Barracks2Flying, and edited it to morph into Barracks2 upon landing. now the addons work without any problem.

    and here comes the really weird part: i then switched the land ability on the original barracks to my Barracks2Land, configured the morph ability to morph into original Barracks upon landing (had to manually enter that as XML since the bugged PoS editor wouldnt actually switch it if i just configured it on the GUI), and to my utter astonishment, this now works as well, with the original BuildAddon ability.

    i guess just another example of the editor making no sense, but at least i can now finally have fully working addon abilities on both my barracks/factory/starports

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (kinda solved) cannot get addons to work properly with copied buildings

    yeah but the xml code from what? i dont know which object is missing, im just guessing its an actor

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (kinda solved) cannot get addons to work properly with copied buildings

    i know you got the best intentions but that advice is completely useless :(

    im not at the level where im worrying i forgot to make the actual flying unit.

    everything is duplicated, everything works.

    the only thing that doesnt work is the flying building moving to the addon building destination.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (kinda solved) cannot get addons to work properly with copied buildings

    @summerloud: Go

    i still couldnt fix it, its driving me crazy. i cant find whats amiss, all actors, footprints and everything else seems fine :/

    does anyone know how the build addon ability actually manages to lift off - land - and then build?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on keep in attack animation while preparing to cast an ability

    @summerloud: Go

    got it.

    Ability.Snipe.SourcePrepStart AnimPlay BSD Attack

    Effect.SnipeDamage.Start AnimClear BSD

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on keep in attack animation while preparing to cast an ability

    i have a snipe ability for the ghost in my mod that takes some time to prepare

    i want to display him in attack stance while the ability prepares

    anyone knows what i need to do to the actor?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on capacity of vespene geysers

    this might be a silly or rather straightforward question, but i cannot change the capacity of vespene gas geysers for my extension mod.

    right now geysers have 2000 gas inside, i cannot find that number anywhere in the editor, not in the gas gathering ability, not in the vespene behavior, not in the geyser unit, im at a loss here.

    i had no problems at all changing the capacity of mineral patches, but now i need help :o

    EDIT: solved just now tt, i cant edit the behavior of the normal vespene geyser, but i just picked every vespene geyser on the map, removed the normal behavior, and added the "rich" behavior. for some reason the numbers i put in there actually work, while the ones on the normal behavior seem to be ignored

    Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching Required: Resource (Raw), with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)


    Unit - Add 1 Gas (Raw Rich Vespene Geyser) to (Picked unit) from (Picked unit)

    Unit - Remove 1 Gas (Raw Vespene Geyser) from (Picked unit)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on realistic line of sight for RPGs or other maps

    my extension mod "HeptaCraft" had dynamic realistic line of sight for units in previous versions

    this works by extending an expanding sphere in the direction a unit is facing until it hits a cliff, resulting in a cone-like vision in front of that unit.

    i had to scrap it from my mod in the meantime since it started bogging down performance once more than 100 units were out, but it would still be perfectly viable to use those triggers in any kind of RPG or similar, as long as its not too many units you are using it on, you could even put the delay down to 0.05 seconds or something like this

    just in case anyone is interested, i thought id just post them here:


    Posted in: Data
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