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    posted a message on Count unit requirement help

    I'm trying to do a Count unit for "zergling". Basically, I want the ability to be enabled when there are "0, zero" zerglings. When there are 1 or more zerglings, I want it to be greyed out. Unfortunately I found no node combinations to do it properly, it seems that constant = 0 is not really working. :( Need help thanks a lot

    edit: I tried with triggers and it was a total mess. I had a damn hard time to set variables on summoned units.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Count unit requirement help

    I'm trying to do a Count unit for "zergling". Basically, I want the ability to be enabled when there are "0, zero" zerglings. When there are 1 or more zerglings, I want it to be greyed out. Unfortunately I found no node combinations to do it properly. :( Need help thanks a lot

    DAMN double post I'm such a noob... delete this one.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Loot problem help!

    @Nashadun: Go

    Thanks for the suggestion. Anyway I found how to fix it. I only had to put a 2nd chance value with empty loot and it fixed it. Dunno why it doesn't make sense. :/

    AH ROFL I see now. I have to fill up the rest of non-used percentage with nothing ... so dumb. :)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Loot problem help!

    I made a loot coming from mobs and changing the drop rate from 1, 2, 10, 50, 100% w/e doesn't work at all. Item will always drop at 100% rate, no matter the chance % I put in there. Did I forget to do something?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Sound effect help


    I would like to make a sound effect on an hostile unit when Player unit hero attack or engage the hostile unit. I don't really how it could be done with actors, I need help!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Animation help

    Anyone?? Maybe a link to a tutorial that clearly shows Abilities usage with some kind of ray/lightning effect that appears between "caster" & "target" ??

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Animation help

    I have successful make my first visual effect on a spell after many tries...

    However I would like my visual effect to stay in place after it is cast. So far it always have the same length and it always move with the "caster unit" direction. Like so http://a.imageshack.us/img844/7301/sc220100808162413409.jpg

    Also, I would like the animation to have the correct lenght between "Caster unit" and "Target point". It always has the same length, no matter where I click.

    The related effect is a "damage" type. Thanks for the help.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Get +1 attribute points per level

    Well nvm I found what caused the trigger bug

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    posted a message on Get +1 attribute points per level

    I have a problem. I'm trying to stack attribute points when you level up. I made a trigger when a unit gains a level up, unit gain attribute point. HOWEVER, when a level is going from let's say 1 to 13, it doesn't give 13 points, it's still giving 1 point.

    So I tried to modify veterancy attribute points instead. Again, it doesn't really work like I want...

    Any way to get proper +1 attribute PER level, no matter how fast the character is leveling?

    EDIT: note that I'm talking about a general attribute point data so I can distribute them into real attributes after it is gained?

    -Strength -Agility -Intelligence -Attribute points < this one

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Trigger sound with ability usage

    I want to trigger a sound when a custom ability is being used by an hero. The problem is that I don't see my custom abilities I made from scratch when I scroll down the Ability list. What could be the problem?

    related => Event - Unit uses ability. (Can't see my custom abilities)

    Thanks... I'm a bit noob with the editor.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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