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    posted a message on Is there any tutorials on unit creation?

    Thanks, but I am indeed after having water at different heights at the same time. It's a bit strange that Blizzard claim that this is their most advanced editor ever when it lacks basic terrain features that even WC3 had.

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    posted a message on Is there any tutorials on unit creation?

    @DirtyDevious: Go

    This however changes any textures already in the map if I am not mistaken?

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    posted a message on Is there any tutorials on unit creation?

    @BloodClud: Go wow nice! :D Thanks a lot!

    Does anybody have any comment on my terraining questions? Would be appreciated as well :D

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    posted a message on Is there any tutorials on unit creation?

    So, I consider myself pretty familiar with the WC3 editor, but some things, like unit creation, seem very complicated and unintuitive in Starcrafts editor. Also some things you could do in Warcraft 3 seems omitted alltogether. So I have a couple of questions:

    Does anybody have a tutorial/could they explain how to create or edit a unit, basing it on for example a marine. Somebody told me you change the model in the actors part, but I don't understand how. A detailed explanation EXACTLY what to change to, for example, make the marine have the model of a collossus, scale it down to half its (The Colussus's, that is) original size, and make it have the photon cannon attack animation? In Warcraft 3 this was pretty intuitive how to do.

    How do I raise cliff outside the (seeming) limitations of a Starcraft 2 melee map? Currently I can lower cliff two levels isntantly, with no other options. I can also raise it a maximum of two levels, with one increment at a time if I want to, but not more. In Warcraft 3 you could create several levels of cliff, up or down, making for example high ziggurat-like temple structures possible to create with the terrain. How do I do this in Starcraft? Or is the starcraft terrain more limited than Warcraft 3's except for the texture work?

    Oh and while we're at that, is it possible to add extra custom textures from other tilesets to your map like in warcraft 3? So that I could have a volcanic section in a jungle map?

    Also, how do I add water at multiple levels? Currently, there seems to only be possible to add water at one level in the entire map period. In warcraft 3, with a few workarounds, you could add water at pretty much any level you wanted, creating nice, multilevel river and waterfall sections. Is this possible in Starcraft 2?

    Any answers would be enourmously appreciated! :D

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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