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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #1: Dawn of a new era

    [EDIT: The deadline was Tuesday, right? I'm not late or anything? ^_^]

    I haven't read this whole thing, so I hope I didn't steal an idea or some such. It's sort of like the "colonists crash land" idea, but instead it's a prison ship - sort of like the origin of Starcraft.

    I tried to highlight some of the hills in the jungle with lighter terrain, but my foliage just covered it all. Rarg. I also don't like the lighting in it AT ALL. I tried ti fix that (and give the whole "hopeful new beginning" thing a physical representation) by dropping some rays of sunlight into the map. Whether it sucks or not, I'm still proud of it, seeing as it's my second full map with the editor.

    I won't post pics, but I WILL post the map. I'm mad at the triggers, currently, but I did manage to utilize them to throw together a rough story that follows Arlan, a prisoner who was knocked unconscious for a long time from the crash and presumed dead, as he wakes up and makes his way to the WIP settlement ahead as the prisoners try to start a new life.

    Apparently, the only ones that lived we're the repentant ones. Meh. It's a ridiculously small map with a few interesting points, some trigger work, a single cheat (used to skip the only "cutscene" for debugging), and a little easter-egg type thing relating to the port-a-potty. Just look in my triggers if you want to see it.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Objective Help

    Sorry about that, then! It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, I just know that I followed a tutorial and it worked. Did it work out for you?

    Oh, and all the underscores were values that were strictly up to you. Also, my organizing sucks, so if that's the problem blame my mother. No, just blame me. ^^


    If it helps, the formatting did something up there I didn't expect. "Data table - etc." wasn't the description, it was meant to be a second action. I'm sorry. I'm used to straight BBCode and nothing else for underlines. o.O Also, it should just be "(last created objective) IN the Global Data Table".

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Help] Dependencies and other stuff

    I'm a skimmer, so bear with me if I screw this up:

    What I think is going on is that you set up Campaign dependencies, throw down campaign units, party, close the editor, open it again, and they're GONE.

    That happened to me. I fixed it with this:

    Move "Liberty (Campaign)" and "Liberty Story (Campaign)" ABOVE "Liberty (Mod)" and "Liberty Multi (Mod)" in the dependencies window (File -> Dependencies...). Then select all your dependencies, hit "Clear Local File" and then "Add Standard" and re-add all four.

    Essentially, move the campaign ones to the top, clear the local files, and re-add all four. That's the quick version. I'm not sure the last two steps are necessary, I think better safe than sorry.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Objective Help

    I remember an objective tutorial in which I was required to save the objective to the data table, and then I used it's data table name to complete it. I know that's INCREDIBLY unhelpful, but there it is.

    ACTIONS: Objective - Create _ _ objective w/ text __ and description _ Data Table - Save (Last created objective) as in the GLOBAL data table

    Then, in a different trigger:

    ACTIONS: Objective - Mark (__ from the Global data table) as Compleated

    worked for me.....

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on timer triggers

    I know there is a "Start Timer" action you may have to use. To be honest, I know a huge tutorial on youtube that shows a guy creating a timer - it's EXTREMELY helpful. Once I verify this is the right one I'll edit w/ the link and time to skip to for the timer. If you want to learn other things this guy uses data editor extensively and lots of triggers including boss bar/leaderboard.


    Start at about 7:14, he does the same thing I think you want to do - countdown timer to victory.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need variable help (Boolean updating)

    Wow, Xackery, awesome response. That seems like a really simple, clean way to do it, and gives me ideas on how to do other things in the future.

    For some reason, my idea worked. I think this is essentially because, let's say, unit 4 of 5 was killed, so the trigger ran. It created itself a nice copy of the variable which evaluated "false", the actions didn't run, and the whole thing was scrapped. Then, the last unit is killed, it creates a new variable that evaluates to "true", and the events run.

    I also forgot to mention that "Unit Group is Dead" is indeed a type of boolean in itself, not something modified. It's just under the "Unit" category of "functions", and it essentially runs the comparison you mentioned every time it is created. Since it is neatly destroyed when it evaluates to false, it is free to create itself as many times as necessary until it says "true," like a Do Until loop.

    Oh yeah, I also neglected to bring up the fact that I took 2 semesters of Visual Basic my Sophomore year of high school. Not exactly the most USEFUL language ever, but the only one we offered and certainly enough to mess with a few things anywhere.

    On a side note, this editor is totally frustrating, but I think that just makes it more satisfying to use the more you learn about it.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Tank moving/attacking woes

    I'm am severely un-skilled with the toolset at the moment, but since no one has replied to this I figure I'll take a shot.

    In theory, wouldn't the diamondback not move/attack at same time unless chasing a moving target? I'm not sure. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need variable help (Boolean updating)

    Hello everyone! I started a map just to screw around with textures and stuff (to get the feel) while on the phone, and I turned it into the most horrible short mission EVER. I know all this background info isn't exactly necessary, but I try to provide a helpful amount of info when asking questions.

    I have a small plateau in the center of the map where a small group of bad guys has some form of insidious encampment (screwing around with doodads). Your small force of soldiers has to march up to that plateau and massacre them! YAY! I have an objective that correctly displays at the top of the screen just for this and a region that encompasses almost the entirety of the plateau.

    How I have this set up is:

    A unit group "Alavus Foundation" that has the 4 marines and 1 war pig that I set up using Map -> Object Groups -> Unit Groups (not a variable)

    A Boolean variable of the value "Unit Group is Dead" (for the sake of the post, called x)

    A trigger that looks roughly like: EVENT Unit is killed CONDITIONS x = true ACTIONS Mark Objective

    I did some debugging and here's what I came up with:

    The objective CAN be marked (just never when I want it to be)
    With my new system (the above) and some fancy leaderboards, I can see that the variable initializes to FALSE and the unit group contains 5 units.

    As I kill units, the number in the unit group does NOT go down, and the variable does NOT switch to TRUE after killing all the units in the unit group, therefor the objective does NOT get marked.

    I guess my question is, do Boolean variables not set to constant that can change based on game events update themselves, and if not what is the easiest way to update the boolean when all units in the region are dead (and if I can check for that MYSELF, why use the variable as a middle man unless I want to update multiple triggers?)



    I think I solved my own problem. I'm not sure if it will work, but for those who come after and have the same issue, I set this variable as GLOBAL. If I set the variable as local to a trigger with event = unit is killed, it should recheck ever time a unit dies, and finally, when all units in unit group are dead, meet the condition and perform the action.

    The logic is, by re-doing the trigger every time a unit dies, the variable should re-initialize with whatever value holds true for "Unit Group is Dead" after trigger unit died.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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