Does anyone know of any way to import M3 models into Maya? I find 3DS Max animation tools to be pretty terrible and I'd like to animate in Maya but I haven't found a way to import models into Maya. I know there are ways to go from Maya to 3DS Max but I'm trying to animate the SM_Nova model and I need a way to get it into Maya.
How exacly would you go about doing animations for the high quality campaign models of Nova and whatnot. Would doing the animations in 3ds max and then exporting and importing into sc2 export the animations as well?
Can you clarify?
Does anyone know of any way to import M3 models into Maya? I find 3DS Max animation tools to be pretty terrible and I'd like to animate in Maya but I haven't found a way to import models into Maya. I know there are ways to go from Maya to 3DS Max but I'm trying to animate the SM_Nova model and I need a way to get it into Maya.
How exacly would you go about doing animations for the high quality campaign models of Nova and whatnot. Would doing the animations in 3ds max and then exporting and importing into sc2 export the animations as well?
What is the simplest way to change a unit's model?