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    posted a message on Stargate Map project proving difficult

    ok so i had this great idea at work for a map. i got excited and started scribbling stuff. i started work but im not that great at map building and i think my idea could make a good map so il post my idea and hopefully if somone things its realy good they can have a crack at making it, im finding it to hard to create.

    so u have 2 bases one for stargate command and one for the gould. and they have diff parts to the base like armory for recruitng team members and upgrading wepons. and the gateroom. u can go to 5 planets and each planet has minrals. you have to mine target amount of minrals before the gould do.

    but its 3v3 so u cant managed every planet. so u will have to split up to stop the enemy collecting theres, but they could be hiding through the stargate an ambush or just sinide that hidden bushy area. it would be cool fighting could have like sniper, heavy support like a morter team and then the good old comando stile unit.

    they would have to take a constructor to the planet and hold the planet while they mine. but some plants the minrals are scaters others they are grouped in some cave network.

    the posibilitys are great for a map like this. or maybe just give me some more ideas how to refine stuff or add better mechanics to the map.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on visibiltiy in an area cant figure it.

    @thewightnish: Go

    ok great . thanks perfect. another queston. is there a way i can creat a colourd line . its basicly a maze and i want red line to show players the way to the red base ect. and yellow line is there a way to do this. i tryed the road but it doesnt work right and to thick

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on visibiltiy in an area cant figure it.

    in sc1 editor there was a small becon like thing that created los in an area and it was invisible so u could set it on what part of the map u want viewed per player. i cant find it on new editor enyone got eny help with this its doing my head in.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on multiple Tile pallets.

    @Mogranlocky: Go

    thanks for the fast response. .

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on multiple Tile pallets.

    ok i have an idea for a map. iv made some sucusessful but short lived maps in past, and i want to try on sc2. is there a way yet to use mulitple tiles. i cant figure it out.

    i want a river down center and a bridge. with grass sorta stuff on one side and lava on the other but i cant find a pallet set, can i make a custom one or swap out a spacific tile for lava like u could on wc3. maybe i missed it.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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