I need some ppl to help me test the map, if you have some editor skills in data editor/triggers there might also be things you can contribute with. Although the map has come a long way and is playable, there is still alot of work to do.
You must have an account on European Servers.
Ps. when map is done i want to publish it on other regions aswell, so if you have an account from another region please contact me :)
How can i make a beam/Chain/lazer etc between 2 units. Like lets say voidray beam between 2 probes, when they move futher apart the beam gets longer, when they move closer it gets shorter. It should last untill one of the units dies and the beam it self is not supposed to do anything else than being visual.
I would preferably have something that looks metall-ish like a chain.
The only thing i changed was the unit used, instead of hightemplar i used my custom (immortal) hero named Mezo.
So i followed the tutorial and it took quite a while, but the spell does not work :(
Here is what i have, im able to see the spellicon, it has the right cost, it gives a error messange when i try use it on friends,buildings or nothing (working as intended), the button also fades out when the unit has less mana than needed (so fas so good). But when try to use it on a enemy nothing happends.
So my question is, can anyone here help me find what i did wrong? Or is restarting the only option?
DOWNLOAD Link Removed: http://www.mediafire.com/?7gy8goin7gnrtc6
Hey there, i am currently making a remake of the cool wc3 map "Pudge Wars". If you do not know what it is check youtube or my thread on Bnet forums: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/1912581394
I need some ppl to help me test the map, if you have some editor skills in data editor/triggers there might also be things you can contribute with. Although the map has come a long way and is playable, there is still alot of work to do.
You must have an account on European Servers.
Ps. when map is done i want to publish it on other regions aswell, so if you have an account from another region please contact me :)
My Skype ID: Blackteam_ghost
+respect for you :)
Keep on trying!
Hey, i just have a very quick question:
How can i make a beam/Chain/lazer etc between 2 units. Like lets say voidray beam between 2 probes, when they move futher apart the beam gets longer, when they move closer it gets shorter. It should last untill one of the units dies and the beam it self is not supposed to do anything else than being visual.
I would preferably have something that looks metall-ish like a chain.
Thx alot!
Thread Closed
Nvm i figuered it out :D
First of all, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, forgive a noob :)
I decided that it would be cool to make an own spell so i followed onetwosc´s frostbolt tutorial (http://www.youtube.com/user/OneTwoSC#p/c/9080004C7A25FE9C/0/mLABeix-wLA)
The only thing i changed was the unit used, instead of hightemplar i used my custom (immortal) hero named Mezo.
So i followed the tutorial and it took quite a while, but the spell does not work :(
Here is what i have, im able to see the spellicon, it has the right cost, it gives a error messange when i try use it on friends,buildings or nothing (working as intended), the button also fades out when the unit has less mana than needed (so fas so good). But when try to use it on a enemy nothing happends.
So my question is, can anyone here help me find what i did wrong? Or is restarting the only option? DOWNLOAD Link Removed: http://www.mediafire.com/?7gy8goin7gnrtc6