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    posted a message on Change color of battleship projectiles?

    Hrm, I think that glow is just part of the model and not really something the actor can edit since models seems to have these lights that are so far uneditable even when you pull the model into a 3d modelling program. If someone does come up with a solution to that though I'd be very appreciative as well.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Stealth Nuke

    @bongalak: Go

    Oh under effects and then just do a keyword for 'nuke' and it'll show all the nuke based effects, I'm pretty sure its going to be the Ghost-Nuke(persistent) one that once you pull off the AI notify it'll stop them from caring that you're about to pave their base with glass. I didn't test it but I'm pretty sure that's how it'd work and if not I'm also pretty sure those AI notifications are the key to solving your dilemma.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to get the size of an array?

    I think if you're adding/removing entries from the array it'd be at those points you also have another int variable that's being incremented and decremented to track the size of it and use that variable as your 'top value' when doing a for loop. That's how you'd handle such things in other programming languages at least.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Shoot at the Ground???

    I don't think there is a way to just globally add this option to all weapons short of the dummy approach. I've been working with targetless weapons recently and you really have to design these weapons specifically for that purpose and from the ground up. If its just creating a single weapon who's sole purpose is to do that then I'd recommend taking a look at an ability like the infestor's spawn terran and copying its methods and modifying them to your purposes.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How the forum displays names in posts

    @Mozared: Go

    See that's precisely what I'm looking to avoid, at least on this forum. :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Cone of Sight

    I know its possible, someone else made a thread about it and then someone posted a demo video of them pulling it off...but they never actually showed us how its done. I also know ProzaicMuze posted that one of his weekly tutorials in I think week 7 was going to be how to make such a system but unfortunately I haven't seen it posted. :( I'm really interested in this concept as well.

    So far what I figure is the best method to get at least that field of view started is you'd need to use positive and negative region space. Ie You make that circle a 'negative' region and then at a point on its perimeter directly ahead of the unit you'd center a positive space square region who's bottom left corner (in this case) is an intercept with the center of the circle/your unit in question. I know you can use attachments to get them stick them on a unit but that's as far as I ever got in the planning and never even tried creating those things in that configuration.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How the forum displays names in posts

    I definitely remember the over-running the field used to do with a few of the exceptionally long names of forum members and agree anything is better then that. I don't think the wrap would work out too well since wrap methods tend to rely on using the first space character as a divisor so for two+ part names it works but for ones like myself it'd just bleed over again. I don't think a slight decrease in font size for overly long names would be that bad, certainly no less legible then the 'title' field or any others in that box beneath them. :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Stealth Nuke

    @bongalak: Go

    I think the marker itself is contained within the calldown effect for it, I see something about marker set to '1' but didn't test to confirm. Meanwhile what you're actually wanting to do is strip off the 'AI notify effect' part of the Ghost - Nuke (Persistent) effect. I think by doing that the AI won't acknowledge its coming and carry on like normal.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How the forum displays names in posts

    Heya, not sure how recently this was changed but it left my own name in a particularly odd state: Looksbad

    Would it be possible for that field to adjust its font size rather then just cut off the name?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on An annoying trend within the SC2 mapping community

    @ProzaicMuze: Go

    I just wanted to throw in that for every hoarder it seems we also an awesome teacher like yourself on these forums and its the people like yourself that keep me coming back to learn more about what's not only possible with the editor but excellent help on how to reproduce it ourselves. Thanks man.

    As for the particular examples in the original post, I agree that its pretty dickish to respond to a request for knowledge with a demo of how its possible but no explanation on how and then denying requests for explination because it wasn't your intellectual property to show off in the first place. Leak implies trade secrets, trade secrets are terms used for concepts among competitive groups so I guess that leaves us with the feeling that some people are competing in what the rest of us consider a cooperative environment.

    But again, for every hoarder there is a ProzaicMuze and the teachers are what makes this place great.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Resolved] Anyway to pull starting team info via trigger?

    Let the future be now :P I also really want/need to know how to get triggers interacting with team structures.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Missiles, Rockets and Lasers? Projectile/Units

    @jerberson12: Go

    I'm certain you can setup a condition where it'll ignore anything in the missile class, which would cover all projectiles.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Can't figure this out: Stop persistent effect after a cliff

    Unorthodox idea but it might be what you're looking for: Instead of creating the explosions 'out of thin air' you have them the end result of invisible missiles firing from the center point, these missiles then can be validated against where they are allowed to and not allowed to travel, simply at the end of their path or they meet an obstacle they create an explosion. This way you also get the nifty concentrated blast effect when a particular direction has something preventing it from expanding through.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adding Firebats to Barracks

    Ugh my bad its the story module that has all the stuff from the campaign, I always just add both whenever I want any of those assets.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adding Firebats to Barracks

    Hrm, I can't seem to reproduce the issue but what I know about the dependency problem is the first time you create the map or add the campaign module you're able to build and use all the dependency's assets but when you close and reopen them they're no longer properly linked up. But yah also just confirmed that the campaign version of the barracks does include firebats among its selection. If you look in the data editor does the barracks say its from the liberty.core or the liberty.campaign source? Either way yah put the campaign module at the top of your dependencies/save and it should fix things up upon reloading the map.

    Posted in: Data
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