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    posted a message on [Feedback] Custom building

    @Maxsvard: Go

    I like it as well, but there aren't enough combinations of building type doodads for my liking. I wish there were more windows, doors, canopies, chairs, poles, brick rubble and other cityscape models.

    I have over 1000 doodads in my main city and i cant come up with new designs anymore because there isnt enough variance in doodads.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on A defensive High ground?

    @Redknox1994: Go

    defensively starcraft 2 is built around choking. defensive high ground like you show is never used for blizzard because it makes protoss and terran very overpowered. terran defensively, protoss offensively. Early on terran will be able to exploit the cliff with seiges and reapers, decimating your army before you even reach them unless you have air units. protoss can effectively warp in behind your army and flank you that way due to pylon placement on the defensive high ground.

    it is simply not done due to new mechanics. defenses are now all about chokes because with the removal of % chance to hit a unit at a different cliff level the only thing is about vision, which you will NEVER have unelss you bring air units.

    tldr. don't do that, instead make cliffs that give terran an advantage over a choke point, not defending their main and natural. at the same time, the locations should benefit protoss because blinking up/down cliffs and using colossi will become an advantage.

    zerg do not really favor cliff gameplay, so do not put cliffs defensively because then they suffer.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Terrain] Nighttime in Korhal

    @Horang: Go

    if you ahve windows 7 you can run the snipping tool. you can find it in the accessories folder.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on How many doodads is too much?

    Not talking about laggy computers, but i have about 1000 doodads in about six game screens of playable area. Nearly looks as good as i want it to, but i am wondering... does this lag too much for the average person? For decent on ultra, how many doodads run smoothly?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Official] Forum upgrade suggestions

    @wOlfLisK: Go

    notifications for post replies in threads you previously posted in similar to facebook's notification system for wall posts and comments.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Learning C++, didn't buy a book. Tell me about strings!

    @Molsterr: Go

    yeah i know i can define the string there, but what if i want the string defined by an entry from the user?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Where/how to get Marine Model with Textures?

    @DoubleElite: Go

    go to data editor, models tab. search for marine, right click and there is an option to export. you can also hit view in previewer and export from there. for some models one works and the other doesnt. for highpoly models i have found the previewer will not export but the standard thing will.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Learning C++, didn't buy a book. Tell me about strings!
    1. include <iostream>
    2. include <cstring> using namespace std

    int main() { string string1 = ""; string stringa = "";



    how do i set values for strings, display strings once i have values for them, and check if a string is the same as another string?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Need terrainer for a farming map

    @A52BcE: Go

    add me on msn if you want to talk. bout to go to sleep soon but i would gladly do a map for you.

    [email protected]

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on [Feedback] Custom building

    @happy04: Go

    also, nice idea with the cliff inside the ruined building. I just filled up ruined buildings with other doodads like desks and installation roofs so they looked less vacant. Never thought of actually filling them lol

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Feedback] Custom building

    @replaywarrior: Go

    take storefront windows and face them into eachother so the reflective side is in, then you have a double sided backing for your light up sign so you cant see through it.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Making roads less ugly?

    @voodude2008: Go

    you could always make new hard tiles and import them into your map as assets.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Lobby placement issues

    @PatchOne: Go

    Player properties does not have what you're looking for? I believe each player in player properties corresponds to the lobby slot, irregardless of the arrangement you have set up.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Many hands...

    @ShadeTerror: Go

    This is starting to seem rather spam-ish.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Many hands...

    @Inferno002: Go

    Once all the room is taken up, try to make things that are already there as best as possible. My feelings wont be hurt if you mess with the little town i made or the colonist post. Have fun with it, we're trying to make an awesome map!

    Posted in: Terrain
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