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    posted a message on Unit Spawn

    ty ty ty ty your AWESOME![SOLVED]

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Spawn

    what i meant with the issue order thing was i dont give me the option to attack move only hold position, and im probally just not setting it up right or something, but u fixed the whole continuously spawning thing.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Spawn

    what would be even cooler is if i could only let him spawn once per time like not have them keep spawning but once he dies if i enter region again then he comes back but only 1 at a time

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Spawn
    Quote from TrenchaunT: Go


    After the trigger is done creating him, use the action Trigger - Turn (Current trigger) off. Then it wont happen again.

    You can order him to Move toward Triggering unit using the Issue Order action. Even better, make him Attack-Move to the Position of Unit(triggering unit)

    the last part with issue order i dont know how to do sorry a bit more detail? when i do issue order at bottom it says order(triggering unit) to etc etc i dont understand how to properly set this up

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Spawn

    I have most of my map done, but have been stuck on one paticular part for quite awhile and i know the answer is probally crazy easy, but i just simply can't find the exact answer i need. In my map I have regions set up surrounding water that if u get close enough to it it will spawn "1" unit(like a boss), and u have to defeat him. I want him to spawn from the region i created for him, and most importantly only spawn once. We'll as u can guess he spawns everytime i touch the different regions surrounding the water. There is 5 regions surrounding the water and it would be awesome if i could even get him to move towards my hero. If u tell me how to attach my map to topic i can do that as well..This map is more of a hey look i learned this now add it and learn it kinda thing. Thanks, -Taz

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help with abilities

    Ok so i'm trying to make my custom unit have the stimpack without it needing to be researched(from start of game) i cannot for the life of me figure it out, and please don't refer me to some tutorial from a year or longer ago i have looked at almost all of them them and their wording just doesn't make sense to me b/c all the things their telling u to do was in SC2 Editor beta and the buttons and methods of doing things are different now and what not have changed.. please just help me

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to add sounds to custom units

    After endless hours of reading tutorial on how to make custom units/models/actors etc etc. I ran into one problem no matter what method i used.. NO SOUND! See the problem was that if i did find an explanation for adding sound it quite simply didnt make sense/work due to being out of date. So i just toyed with the different option and figured out how to do it! So here we go my best explination of adding the sound(which u can modify once u atleast understand how to get working sound) -First Pick an actor( i used marine) go to this section of the data table to the right First Then Copy Finally Paste -Now you will have all the default sounds of the marine, and u can go in there and individually change sounds as u see fit! Enjoy and i hope i helped someone from spending countless hours cussing at their screen ;)

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Unit cluster F

    So the only videos i can find online are old version of sc2 editor to make custom units and duplicate models.. so im asking here. All i simply want to do for now is Make a new unit > copied from marine > duplicate the marine actor and assign it to my created unit. Making my new unit look and act exactly like a marine i was sifting through some beginner tutorials namely This one and got stuck at the custom unit creating so following what he is trying to get me to do can someone please explain..

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Help with region triggers

    well the original guy didnt reply back but i sure as hell will after about no joke 6-7 hours going over trigger after trigger combinations i finally found this explination and it did exactly what i wanted for my situation(althought slightly different basically the same) YOU ROCK BRO! ty so much!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Please help!

    didnt change owners at all stayed neutral Edit: figure it out ty

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Please help!

    Better pics sorry pic1 pic2

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Please help!

    ok maybe i missed something but it didnt work..

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Please help!

    I'm very sorry if this type of question has been answered before but i have been bashing my head against the wall trying to figure out if this is possible to do.. I basically want to do this.. I created a neutral base with cc,rax,etc etc made a region and and put all the buildings in the same region. What i want to happen is any player who enter said region will take control of the buildings and "keep" control permanently.. I'm having an issue with 1. the buildings switching ownership to w/e player enters region, and 2. keeping it permanent now i know i can go through and add them individually and it works, but i cant keep them permanent for some reason, and i would much rather achieve my goal via using a region cause adding every building one by one reall sucks. Now keep in mind if u can help me with this i just started messing with the editor like today.. so im a very big noob and don't understand most of all the terminology used for editing i have just been watching a crap ton of vids. ty in advance for your help :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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